New version found
4 years ago
Ohio, USA
Any/All, He/Him
4 years ago

I've discovered a version of Mr. Do! for the Colecovision console. I would like if this was listed as a category as well as adding it as a console. It looks very similar to the SNES version.

Also if you want to find an emulator and rom of this game just search for them, they're insanely easy to find.

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Forbidden 403 on your links. Please post it on discord with emu and roms so we can try it and talk about category creation.

Boosius likes this
Ohio, USA

I actually did a few speedruns of the Colecovision version and would love it if you would add a category for it. It plays a bit differently than every other version on here

Boosius likes this
Ohio, USA

Here's my current pb:

Boosius likes this
Ohio, USA

You know, it's been 10 months when I asked about this, and I went into the discord and talked to you guys, but nobody ever made a Colecovision category. I believe I gave you everything you had asked for and I think I just got tired of bringing it up and left the thing. But I guess I am asking again if that could be possible? The timing rules should be the same as the SNES version.

Thank you :)

Gradient41 and Boosius like this
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