Question about All Levels
3 years ago
Illinois, USA

The rules were a little vague, I wasn't quite sure what qualifies as "completing" a level. Is stuff like immediately exiting on points-based levels, or only doing one part of levels such as The Cloud allowed?

Vermont, USA
Super moderatorOreoSR
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

I was also wondering that. I know that for any levels with stars, you can exit out after getting the required amount. However, I have no idea if you can do any of the level skips, most notably office skip. It does count the level as complete, but doesn't truly finish the level. Guess we can see what AuroraAri has to say and go from there!

that1cl0ud likes this
British Columbia, Canada

I think as long as you get the gold star on the level for completing it your good, so you could exit out of levels after getting what you need but idk if the office skip would count if you don't get the gold star.

that1cl0ud likes this
Illinois, USA

I would think that as well. I can check to see if office skip still gives the star.

LetsGetMadinc likes this
Illinois, USA

office skip does indeed give a star. but I would like to see what officially counts as a completion.

LetsGetMadinc likes this
Vermont, USA
Super moderatorOreoSR
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

I still don’t really know what to officially count as completion. Required stars would work, I guess. It would allow office skip, but then there’s the debate over whether that truly counts as finishing the level. In my opinion, office skip is fine for All Levels, but not All Objectives as that would skip the last 3 chapters, therefore skipping their objectives as well.

Illinois, USA

i’d agree with that

Vermont, USA
Super moderatorOreoSR
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Alright, edited the category rules to confirm what counts as a level completed.

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