Trying to learn portal 2 and saw this wheatley skip by A Baby
8 years ago

At this point he seems to do something at the portal (looks like a quick-save quick-load like in portal 1) but whenever I try this it completely reloads the level and takes a long time

edit so the link is meant to be set to 8:43 but doesnt seem to work ;-;

French Southern Territories

It's a segmented run, man. Try to watch the WR SS/RTA, not the segmented one. This strat is really hard; I recommend you to do "normal" strats. Also I recommend you to watch PerOculos, who often streams Portal 2.


I thought if a baby could do it it would be fairly easy Kappa

Guess I'll have to practise the skip, also does he have a schedule, and do you have any other tips?

French Southern Territories

A Baby is not a baby. A Baby is a known runner of the game. For this skip, you'll need to do this : at 10 minutes It's based a hop, going above the level.


Yes yes just a bad joke and I've seen that run, and have been practising a few of the tricks. There is a trick however in chap 8, tesy chamber 11, although the one after 6. He does crouch fly then suddenly gains a lot of vertical momentum, how is that done?

French Southern Territories

Standed crouch flying + Jumping, I guess


Is there a tutorial anywhere on standed crouch flying? I was under the impression you always had to crouch.

French Southern Territories

For standed crouch flying ? Just uncrouch while you are on the funnel, then leave the funnel then enjoy.

United States
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
8 years ago

Not that I know of, but it's really easy. For practice, use cl_showpos 1 to show your velocity. Just go into a funnel, wait until your velocity is 0, crouch, wait again and then go out of the funnel. Another way to do it is after you wait the second time, uncrouch while still in the funnel, and then you will have permanent funnel fly until you a. (if the funnel was going through a portal) remove the portal, or b. go into a different funnel.

Edit: RIP me PackSciences already answered your question :P

PackSciences likes this

Thank you to you both will be helpful for when I run co op with a friend too


Firstly, this

Secondly, to accomplish the save load glitch from the segmented run, you need to be perfectly in between the two portals. Then you have to be clipped outside, where I believe you can hop around some wall out of bounds to get to the other side, then somehow you clip back in. the tricky part would probably be getting right in the middle of those 2 portals.

PackSciences likes this

Wellp, I've learned that the tricky part isn't actually getting out of bounds, it's getting back in-bounds. Imanex has a video where he climbs up the wall with portals he places outside on the wall, however KingpinSYD was apparently able to clip straight in from a save/load. (straight from imanex's description) Not sure how that works, but fair enough I guess. If I could see the coordinates, it might be easier to see if its portal height intensive, or some coordinate which involves precision to warp up. gl with it

New Jersey, USA

The warp back inbounds is one of those save/load oddities that I don't understand in this game. It is not just based on position because you can have the same save file and sometimes when you load it, you will warp in bounds and other times you will still be OoB where you made the save.

It's sort of like how for super reportal saves sometimes you load it and you are stuck in the wall, and sometimes you are not. It's very frustrating to work with tricks like this and it most likely requires the loading to behave in a specific way that may or may not be hardware dependent. Of course, with the segmented run we could reload the save as many times as we needed until we got the result we were looking for... but it meant attempts at the segment took way longer than any other segment because you only got to attempt it maybe 10% of the time for some saves.

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