Questions about rules/what is allowed
6 years ago
United States

Hey! I've been into Speedrunning Portal for around a year now, and I want to finally record a demo and submit a time, but I'm not sure if I'm breaking any rules with what I have now.

  1. Are you allowed to use an Auto-Hotkey? I use an autohotkey to help me with ABHing, but I'm not sure if it's against the rules to use one.

  2. Can you edit game files (I.e., Changing files) I have a re-textured portalgun, and I was wondering if it would somehow be a rule violation to have it, since I had to manually edit the game's files to do it.

  3. Are mods from Gamebanana disallowed? I was thinking of getting some texture reskins off of Gamebanana (Not any scripts or gameplay changes, just reskins of in-game objects), but I don't know if mods of any type are disallowed.

Answers to any of these questions would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone had a link to a more in depth list of rules (Out-side of the normal rules listed on the Speedrunning page), that would be even better. Thanks!

New York City, NY, USA
  1. Auto-hotkey's are not allowed. Bind jump to mwheelup and mwheeldown to make jumping really easy.

  2. Retexturing the portal gun is fine.

  3. Mods are not okay but retextures are fine. Example- I use a portal hole retexture from gamebana and it is ok.

IDontLikeBirds likes this

what about dxlevel 80

København, Denmark

@Saviusinus under the "rules" tab in the "whitelist" section you will find "mat_dxlevel 80/90" listed meaning it is allowed, if you have any questions about speedrunning portal i would suggest going to the discord server and asking as way more people are willing to help in there compared to here


No I have some times on the leaderboard already but I wanted to use dxlevel 80 in runs and thought it wasn’t allowed so thx a lot

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Starting now and currently being grandfathered, all console runs will be manually retimed with load times removed. This process will be redone by the verification team anyway, so don't worry about doing it yourself when submitting. Massive shoutouts to Tactix1 for doing this basically single handedl

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