How to end speedrun and get demo file after finishing?
3 years ago
Albany, NY, USA

I have just started with portal speedrun omg and setup everything correctly. Livesplit, speedrun democore also works. How would you end the speedrun and get the demo file. Whenever I end the speedrun, I run speedrun_stop, which stops the speedrun, but I don't get any files AT ALL in the folder. I know that you have to look in a subfolder with a time and date, but all of those are empty. Please help because I really want to be able to submit demos to

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Arizona, USA

make sure you are starting with the "speedrun_start" command, and if you are using vault save then do the command "speedrun_save vault". the demos will be located in unpack/portal. a folder will be created as soon as you run the speedrun_start command so you can check if it is working right away. if you are still having trouble, join the portal speedrunning discord server and we can help you further from there.

Albany, NY, USA

ok, ill join the discord. What happens is I set a custom location for the demos and I start the speedrun with the vault save. When the game is over (still alive song) I run speedrun_stop. It stops the speedrun but does not save the demo file

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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