Working out in-game time for runs with cinematic cutscenes
Working out in-game time for runs with cinematic cutscenes
Updated 5 months ago by Smathlax

As per the rules, runners are allowed to delete certain cinematic cutscenes, which saves them some time. If a run is done without deleting the cutscenes, the final runtime should subtract the amount lost due to having the cutscenes from the gross run time.

This guide can be used to calculate how much time should be subtracted. Note that if you are a runner and you submit a run without deleting the cinematic cutscenes, you are not expected to perform this calculation yourself, as a mod will do it for you. However this guide can be used to cross-reference the mod's calculations.

The time difference between deleting and not deleting each cutscene is as follows:

If a run skips any cutscenes or watches them more than once, the appropriate timings should be added together. For example, if a runner who hasn't deleted the cinematic cutscenes skips the desert exit vision, watches the plate 2 exit vision twice (perhaps by mistake due to saving/reloading taking them back to before they had watched it), and watches all other cinematic cutscenes once, then the time that should be subtracted from their run is as follows: 19.100s + 19.100s + 2.400s + 11.683s + 5.450s = 57.733s.

Raw data and source material from which these numbers were derived:

source video with cutscenes:
source video without cutscenes:

vision end counts as first non-black frame of following cutscene
delta is rounded in the negative direction to the nearest frame (60fps)

desert exit vision:
3762.757 - 3735.026 = 27.731
3607.050 - 3589.863 = 17.187
delta = 17.187 - 27.731 = -10.550

plate 2 exit vision:
3466.257 - 3443.173 = 23.084
3323.901 - 3319.916 = 3.985
delta = 3.985 - 23.084 = -19.100

plate 3 exit vision:
3640.502 - 3610.037 = 30.465
3495.668 - 3467.598 = 28.07
delta = 28.07 - 30.465 = -2.400

plate 4 exit vision:
6940.738 - 6921.141 = 19.597
6662.029 - 6654.103 = 7.926
delta = 7.926 - 19.597 = -11.683

resurrection vision:
8330.134 - 8296.608 = 33.526
8004.697 - 7976.605 = 28.092
delta = 28.092 - 33.526 = -5.450

total delta = -49.183
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