Follow up on categories & filtering
5 years ago
United States

Hey, Toca, I wonder if you could expand on the idea of filtering different routes. I looked at Dark Souls as your example, but I didn't see any available route filters. I did, however, see tons of categories, including a number of miscellaneous categories.

I wouldn't see the harm in having an "Any% Gate Thief" category here.

My main concern is that I would like to actively compete on these different routes, since they are very different -- they make the game & strategy very different. Skipping gates is huge! I would hope that I can submit different runs for Regular Warp, and for Gate Thief. Will that be possible without an extra category?

Edited by the author 5 years ago
European Union

Right, so the idea is that for the Any% runs one has to choose the route that was taken: Of course, one may expand this list whenever there are new, meaningful warp routes which differ significantly from the current ones.

For the filtering; via the filter menu on the board it's possible to only display the runs one cares about: For example, if you only want to see the runs which use the Gate thief route and not the regular one, one would select "Filter" > "Route" > "Gate thief" in the menu displayed above--which as of now would of course yield an empty board because there is no Gate thief submission so far, but I hope this explains the concept in a satisfying manner.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

yes, that makes sense.

But if I wish to make multiple submissions, as I would like to compete on the different routes, would the "Any" filter show both of my records? I'm worried that since it is one category, I will be limited to 1 video.

If I may be allowed to continue my argument for a different category, it is my opinion that a comparison could be made. There is a very large difference between Any% (with warp), and Any% (No Warp), because the Warp ability radically changes the Game, to skip levels and instantly Kill guards.

I believe that again the Game is radically different, in a similar comparison between the Warp ability, and the Skip Gate ability. This is basically a new ability that is not normally available if you just simply Warp. You actually have to find multiple warp combinations.

It is my intention in the future to further expand these categories, by submitting runs for different routes, in which the player must "beat every level." For Warp category, this would be an interesting alternative competition to use Kill Button as the side-effect of a warp, but still having to showcase the full scope of the game. Similarly, I would like to submit a run for Gate Thief + Beat Every Level, to showcase the scope of the alternate routes for the Gate Thief on every level, rather than just levels 6+.

I think it would be a lot more organized if Warp & Gate Thief each had Any% & Beat Every Level, as THOSE are where the Alternate Route option makes more sense.

I understand that this may not be a normal way of viewing things, considering the Speedruns Website has had many years, and many games, to create a good understanding of how things should be defined. So if I am wrong, I suppose I'll have to accept it. But I do think it would be unfair if I was limited to 1 video, and could not compete on both "routes."

Edited by the author 5 years ago

i am of the same opinion that thief gate and any warp should be 2 different category because there is a lot of difference between the 2

United States

I think a good example would be Super Mario Bros 3. It has different categories for things you cannot do.

SMB3 categories:

Any%, anything goes. Any%, Warp, (no Wrong Warp). Any%, (no Warp). and 100%.

Perhaps this could be how you view Prince of Persia.

Any%, anything goes. Any%, Warp, (No Gate Skip). Any%, (No Warp). and 100%.

From there, perhaps Miscellaneous categories for Beat-Every-Level.

Any% (20 Levels). Any% (No Gate Skip) (20 Levels).

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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