Retiming runs
3 years ago
United States

I think there should be a standardized way of timing runs. I was looking at some runs and some seemed to be not timed correctly.

This tool works pretty well for retiming videos on YouTube:

Goldenwarrior and Flockiv like this
Tokyo, Japan

Ok thanka

Goldenwarrior likes this
Hong Kong
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

In fact there isn't. My suggestion is the frame the player starts moving at level 1, and ends at the first frame the player touchs the last portal

Jesoysauce, Goldenwarrior and 3 others like this
New South Wales, Australia

Yeah I agree, that is what my current pending run goes off of because the rules weren’t very specific

Goldenwarrior likes this

I also saw that sometimes, runs are rounded down, but some other runs are rounded up, that doesn't make any logic

Goldenwarrior likes this

I agree with Shromeone


@Frost20 ive change the rules so that time starts when you move

New South Wales, Australia

That means that runs that don't follow the new rules should be retimed and moved to their correct ranking then right? Otherwise some runs could be impossible to beat.


@YaBoyMB yes

YaBoyMD likes this
New South Wales, Australia

Nice (also it's MD not MB 😭)


oh lol


check the leaderboard

United States

Wait a second why are some runs rounded up? It makes no sense for speedruns to be rounded up

Edit: I just retimed 3 level 1 IL runs with the timing method listed in the rules and they're all 2 seconds

Edited by the author 2 years ago

new rules

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