New Leaderboard
8 years ago
Arizona, USA

I would like to put forward the idea for a low% leaderboard (getting as few points as possible in each level, and in a total run). The strategies for these runs are incredibly diverse, and a great change in pace from normal 100% or even Any% runs. These strategies involve losing all your stars before the end and avoiding once conveniently-placed red coins and flowers. To avoid lower scores being found, you could add a set amount of time for each point you got maybe, or just delete obsolete ones. Anyways, I think this would be a fun addition!


There is something like that here but no one ever really does them anymore

Berlin, Germany

Probably not gonna happen until a few people care to do runs for it. There are a lot of different ways to play the game that are not represented on the Leaderboards here, because they don't really have any competition with just 1-2 people doing them. Which makes sense, since otherwise the Leaderboards would get filled with 'meme categories'. If however, people would suddenly start caring for Low% ILs, then it could be worth a consideration of adding them.

"The strategies for these runs are incredibly diverse, and a great change in pace from normal 100% or even Any% runs. These strategies involve losing all your stars before the end and avoiding once conveniently-placed red coins and flowers."

You don't run this game do you? In Any% you already get 10% or something really low in like half of the levels. That would mean that many levels will be just Any% and get hit near the end.

"To avoid lower scores being found, you could add a set amount of time for each point you got maybe"

No, score should always have a higher priority than the time. So 7% will ALWAYS be ranked higher than 8% no matter how long 7% took / how fast 8% was.

"or just delete obsolete ones. Anyways, I think this would be a fun addition!"

While this would kinda work, it would also mean that you shouldn't be allowed to submit unless you got the lowest score possible. Which is bad, since we might know that in some level a lower score is possible, but insanely hard to get, and then no one should be allowed to submit runs where it is 1% higher than that for example. I think I don't have to explain why this is kinda bad.

"Anyways, I think this would be a fun addition!"

Then run it if you think it's fun :p

Be the change!


GBA Version allows for way lower scores, because the star counter stops when entering the goal ring, whereas in the SNES Version the star counter will just go up for a bit until the level is finished anyway and score screen strats (If you enter with 0 stars, it will go up to ~6).

Not neccessarely a problem, but kinda leaves a bad taste, knowing that the more optimal way of doing this would be to play on the GBA version.

Edytowane przez autor 8 years ago
Arizona, USA

I forgot about the stars counting up at the end. In that case I understand completely. I'll try to take it over to the GBA version, thanks!

North Carolina, USA

yeah definitely check out the GBA low% ILs and see if that's something you're into, seeing some updated ones would be cool!

GBA always being equal or lower really does kill it sadly, along with some red coins in the SNES version being VERY difficult to skip (1-4, 2-4 for example)

I'm personally not against adding this, but there would have to be a good number of seriously quality ILs already done imo

Edytowane przez autor 8 years ago
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