which version and a few other questions
9 months ago

The Any% with hack cooldown mentions, that the best version is one from a specific date, is that the one called "old patch/with hack cooldown" in the "updated guide to download old patches" or is there a 4th version that i need to be aware of?

And some other questions:

  • how exactely do the hackcooldowns work? i've a hard time seeing any pattern in it, especially regarding random hacks with the hackcooldwon

  • is there a minimum time for when Lucas can show up in either normal or 1337?

  • and i've seen some videos of Insym explaining, that picking up the dongle and placing it down is changing the hack and police timers to a lower amount, but i didn't quite understand, which time it gets set to exactely. Is there something i need to be aware of, so that i don't accidentally run into the police?

United States

The best version for each category can be found in the rules for that category. The manifest ID should be listed.

  1. Hack cooldowns work on a timer, same as the police tracking timer. The cooldown is only in reference to the "Random hack". There are two kinds of hacks. Random hacks and Force hacks. Force hacks can only be executed when the game is at at least a difficulty counter of 1. You can only perform one force hack every 5 minutes. I believe that is what the "cooldown" portion of the leaderboard is referencing. These figures only relate to the optimal manifest for speedrunning the Any% category and does not apply to current patch.

  2. In normal mode, lucas will only show up when the difficulty counter is greater than or equal to 3. There is no time in which Lucas appears and it is only correlated to the difficulty counter. However, Lucas should not show up before 10:40pm, even if the difficulty counter is at 3 or more. There is a (dont quote me on this) ~14.6% chance Lucas will spawn before 10:40pm if the difficulty counter is higher than or equal to 3.

  3. The dongle is an incredibly advanced mechanic that I do not feel like explaining it over text will do justice. I've created advanced video guides on my twitch channel where I believe I discuss it, otherwise it is in your best interest not to play around with that mechanic, as you could accidentally glitch your "Random hack" timer and never get hacked randomly again.

I hope that answers all of your questions :)


Yeah, that definitely helps a quite a bit^^

I would love to check out your videos, but it seems that there's nothing available aside from one speedrun 3 years ago. And yeah, i definitely don't play around with it in casual runs, but i'm definitely interested in it from a technical point of view, especially when it might be usable or at least be necessary to be aware of for speedruns.

As for the version, that's the reason why i'm asking, as the category rules list the release date of a version, while the download guide lists the manifest numbers. I tried to find the manifest numbers on steamDB to maybe see, when they got released, but i'm either too unfamiliar with the site to find it or they've removed the manifest numbers. As of now i might just do a run with the version i assume being the right one, but i guess it would be easier for everyone if i use the right one right away.

United States

I will unarchive my videos for you, sorry about that I forgot I unpublished them. Here is my beginners guide and advanced guide. Let me see if i can get the correct Manifest ID for you and get back to you. :)

Edytowane przez autor 8 months ago
United States

Here you go :) : 7851970317935229589


thank you very much^^

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