All Chests in 2h 35m 23s by

It seems I'm not done with making reorders to the run. The reason behind the changes here were meant to minimize Golf cost and seeing where and how this could be further optimized. The main time loss here came down to Spider Skip at the very end, but thanks to the flexibility that my routing provides, I can easily move E3 Green and N1 Blue to earlier points in the run without causing conflict in the day/night cycle.

Emulator: Bizhawk Version 2.9.1

Tablica wyników
All Chests
Drugie miejsce
2h 35m 23s
1 month ago
11 days ago
1 month ago
Podziały czasu
Dostarczone przez
#NazwaPodziałZakończono o
1[1] N1 Grey2m 24s 225ms2m 24s 225ms
2[2] N2 Red1m 40s 505ms4m 04s 730ms
3[3] N2 Grey0m 49s 915ms4m 54s 645ms
4[4] N3 Grey0m 52s 525ms5m 47s 170ms
5[5] W1 Grey
1m 22s 566ms7m 09s 736ms
6[6] W1 Red1m 02s 415ms8m 12s 151ms
7[7] W2 Grey1m 12s 452ms9m 24s 603ms
8[8] N1 Red (Golf)2m 18s 389ms11m 42s 992ms
9[9] W3 Grey1m 14s 358ms12m 57s 350ms
10[10] W4 Grey1m 12s 237ms14m 09s 587ms
11[11] S1 Grey - 1MB1m 45s 656ms15m 55s 243ms
12[12] S2 Grey0m 52s 621ms16m 47s 864ms
13[13] N3 Green (Golf)2m 32s 034ms19m 19s 898ms
14[14] W3 Red0m 54s 855ms20m 14s 753ms
15[15] S3 Grey
1m 59s 273ms22m 14s 026ms
16[16] W3 Green2m 15s 501ms24m 29s 527ms
17[17] E1 Grey1m 03s 205ms25m 32s 732ms
18[18] S1 Green1m 28s 216ms27m 00s 948ms
19[19] E2 Grey0m 54s 331ms27m 55s 279ms
20[20] W4 Red - 2MB2m 39s 988ms30m 35s 267ms
21[21] N4 Grey1m 16s 614ms31m 51s 881ms
22[22] N5 Grey0m 57s 806ms32m 49s 687ms
23[23] S4 Grey1m 21s 095ms34m 10s 782ms
24[24] S2 Green (Golf)
2m 34s 728ms36m 45s 510ms
25[25] N5 Red1m 43s 691ms38m 29s 201ms
26[26] W2 Blue2m 02s 818ms40m 32s 019ms
27[27] S4 Red1m 02s 869ms41m 34s 888ms
28[28] E1 Red1m 29s 660ms43m 04s 548ms
29[29] E4 Green2m 04s 881ms45m 09s 429ms
30[30] E4 Red (Golf)2m 11s 677ms47m 21s 106ms
31[31] E4 Grey0m 58s 193ms48m 19s 299ms
32[32] N3 Red (Golf)1m 35s 468ms49m 54s 767ms
33[33] N1 Green1m 18s 804ms51m 13s 571ms
34[34] N4 Green2m 20s 314ms53m 33s 885ms
35[35] N4 Red1m 28s 877ms55m 02s 762ms
36[36] N5 Green
1m 30s 470ms56m 33s 232ms
37[37] W1 Green (Golf)2m 01s 646ms58m 34s 878ms
38[38] S1 Red (Golf)1m 40s 312ms1h 00m 15s 190ms
39[39] S3 Green1m 39s 096ms1h 01m 54s 286ms
40[40] S3 Red1m 43s 179ms1h 03m 37s 465ms
41[41] N6 Grey - 3MB1m 53s 599ms1h 05m 31s 064ms
42[42] S5 Grey1m 29s 029ms1h 07m 00s 093ms
43[43] S2 Blue
1m 19s 050ms1h 08m 19s 143ms
44[44] E2 Green0m 47s 449ms1h 09m 06s 592ms
45[45] E3 Grey1m 14s 469ms1h 10m 21s 061ms
46[46] E6 Grey1m 35s 861ms1h 11m 56s 922ms
47[47] E3 Red1m 41s 155ms1h 13m 38s 077ms
48[48] E1 Green - 4MB
1m 33s 829ms1h 15m 11s 906ms
49[49] W4 Blue1m 29s 555ms1h 16m 41s 461ms
50[50] W4 Green2m 25s 028ms1h 19m 06s 489ms
51[51] W3 Blue1m 09s 121ms1h 20m 15s 610ms
52[52] W5 Grey1m 13s 275ms1h 21m 28s 885ms
53[53] W5 Red1m 38s 527ms1h 23m 07s 412ms
54[54] W5 Green1m 29s 637ms1h 24m 37s 049ms
55[55] N4 Blue1m 24s 262ms1h 26m 01s 311ms
56[56] N6 Red (Golf)1m 50s 660ms1h 27m 51s 971ms
57[57] N6 Green1m 21s 074ms1h 29m 13s 045ms
58[58] E7 Grey0m 53s 390ms1h 30m 06s 435ms
59[59] E5 Grey1m 06s 332ms1h 31m 12s 767ms
60[60] E7 Green1m 13s 128ms1h 32m 25s 895ms
61[61] E7 Red1m 59s 109ms1h 34m 25s 004ms
62[62] E5 Green0m 44s 616ms1h 35m 09s 620ms
63[63] E5 Red0m 53s 189ms1h 36m 02s 809ms
64[64] E7 Blue0m 56s 823ms1h 36m 59s 632ms
65[65] E5 Blue
1m 30s 188ms1h 38m 29s 820ms
66[66] N2 Green1m 05s 283ms1h 39m 35s 103ms
67[67] N2 Blue0m 56s 284ms1h 40m 31s 387ms
68[68] W1 Blue2m 04s 299ms1h 42m 35s 686ms
69[69] S1 Blue2m 34s 659ms1h 45m 10s 345ms
70[70] S3 Blue2m 20s 680ms1h 47m 31s 025ms
71[71] S6 Red1m 20s 045ms1h 48m 51s 070ms
72[72] S6 Grey1m 02s 263ms1h 49m 53s 333ms
73[73] S6 Blue
1m 16s 268ms1h 51m 09s 601ms
74[74] W2 Green (Golf)2m 05s 213ms1h 53m 14s 814ms
75[75] W6 Green0m 54s 241ms1h 54m 09s 055ms
76[76] E6 Red1m 53s 816ms1h 56m 02s 871ms
77[77] E6 Green1m 15s 325ms1h 57m 18s 196ms
78[78] E6 Blue1m 10s 751ms1h 58m 28s 947ms
79[79] E3 Blue1m 18s 044ms1h 59m 46s 991ms
80[80] E3 Green
2m 24s 812ms2h 02m 11s 803ms
81[81] E1 Blue1m 10s 697ms2h 03m 22s 500ms
82[82] E2 Red1m 25s 722ms2h 04m 48s 222ms
83[83] E2 Blue0m 54s 396ms2h 05m 42s 618ms
84[84] E4 Blue
0m 57s 490ms2h 06m 40s 108ms
85[85] S2 Red0m 54s 133ms2h 07m 34s 241ms
86[86] S5 Blue1m 00s 095ms2h 08m 34s 336ms
87[87] S5 Red1m 10s 543ms2h 09m 44s 879ms
88[88] S5 Green1m 31s 883ms2h 11m 16s 762ms
89[89] S4 Green1m 54s 789ms2h 13m 11s 551ms
90[90] S4 Blue (Golf)2m 07s 754ms2h 15m 19s 305ms
91[91] S6 Green (Golf)3m 05s 291ms2h 18m 24s 596ms
92[92] W5 Blue
2m 08s 951ms2h 20m 33s 547ms
93[93] N3 Blue1m 10s 103ms2h 21m 43s 650ms
94[94] N5 Blue0m 54s 095ms2h 22m 37s 745ms
95[95] N6 Blue1m 08s 617ms2h 23m 46s 362ms
96[96] W2 Red1m 57s 828ms2h 25m 44s 190ms
97[97] W6 Red1m 34s 475ms2h 27m 18s 665ms
98[98] W6 Grey0m 45s 306ms2h 28m 03s 971ms
99[99] W6 Blue (Golf)2m 00s 936ms2h 30m 04s 907ms
100[100] N1 Blue - 5MB3m 32s 982ms2h 33m 37s 889ms
101Rudy1m 45s 548ms2h 35m 23s 437ms
Statystyki gry
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