Wideo zagrożone
Wideo dla tego biegu jest zagrożone usunięciem przez Twitch
Any% in 44m 09s by
Wideo dla tego biegu jest zagrożone usunięciem przez Twitch
Submitting my newest run i have a video of cause i havent had time to get a not bad run
Mod Note: The timer stopped early and so I had to add 40 seconds until you reached the actual end, which is after fading out in the last portal. Also please note that you are comparing against real time instead of game time, which puts you at a big disadvantage because load times are not removed. To change that in LiveSplit, right click it > Compare Against > Game Time.
Najnowsze przebiegi
Poziom: Chapter 2 - Level 1
Poziom: Chapter 1 - Level 2