Speedrun mod for EZPlatformer. R to restart. https://zkayns.github.io/ezplatformer/
I've recently started developing a mod for speedrunning the Flash version of the game. The only thing I've done so far is allow the game to be reset when the user presses the "CTRL" key, but I'm thinking of adding a built-in speedrun timer as well. Download
Where is The Run of user "yumyumfoodyumyumyum" it has Been privated on Youtube.😁
Gaming_64 to się podoba
I couldn't find archives of Exo's spliced speedruns anywhere, and I was wondering if they were just gone forever.
dude islandtilt and a few others are pulling some shenanigans i think maybe they're going for a sweep for all the 4 player stuff
IslandTiLT i TrickRoom podobało się to
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