Polandzibson3 years ago
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marczeslaw11, WhiteMonster i 2 inne podobało się to
Polandzibson7 years ago

I play with under 60fps, I don’t mind. It is a few seconds, afterall. Everyone could technically get hardware for such fps so it’s not an unfair advantage. That is my opinion.

Polandzibson7 years ago

'good game' was the original idea, because it's the one that actually makes sense. I'm not oppose to that, it just looked a bit random and varying, and even a second or two of RNG could be annoying in such a short run. If ending on the first frame (or last, whatever) of the hole score message isn't a good idea, ending on 'good game' seems reasonable.

Polandzibson7 years ago

Originally I wanted the rules to be reworded to know which frame exactly to look for in timing, but after seeing toriks' weird camera I'd prefer the timing to finish afer the score, yes, because it's always going to be there and it's not hard to retime as long as everyone is okay with it.

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Polandzibson7 years ago

The only problem with this would be a very rare occurence of weird camera that happened to ToriksLV during his 100% run . I don't know how to handle this, we could stop the timer at the message if ball going in isn't visible but it would be a disadvantage for the player (although still much faster than doing another shot, we'd add about half a second to their actual time). Seeing this makes the "message appears" rule more reliable in my opinion.

Polandzibson7 years ago

Hi, I’m someone interested in golf in gta5. I see some inconsistencies with timing and would like to propose a solution that will involve changing the wording of rules. I’ve checked runs to make sure timings are reliable, this is what I found out

treble_20 - 5:35.8 (ball goes in), 17frames later 5:36.36 message appears [30fps] kyle - 5:38.3 (same frame for ball/message) [24fps] GreatOne - 5:50.6 (ball goes in), 15frames later 5:51.1 message appears [30fps] ssjvegito - 6:33.0 (ball goes in), 15frames later 6:33.5 message appears [30fps] darkviper88 - 6:37.46 (ball goes in), 30frames later 6:37.96 message appears [59.148fps?] Unhallowed - 6:37.50 (ball goes in), 16frames later 6:38.04 message appears [29.816fps?] rikkymontana - 6:54.27 (ball goes in), 13frames later 6:54.7 message appears [30fps] nallenon - 7:55.93 (ball goes in), 13frames later 7:56.364 message appears [29.95fps] mizterconfuzing - 8:18.6 (ball goes in), 31frames later 8:17.11 message appears [60fps] velocinator - 8:27.1 (ball goes in), 11frames later 8:27.47 message appears [30fps]

0.0s gg appears after "birdie": treble_20 (PS3) 2.77s gg appears after "birdie": Kyle, Greatone, darkviper 2.77s gg appears after "par": nallenon 3.1s gg appears after "bogey": rikkymontana (X360) 3.23s "4 over par" appears after "bogey": velocinator 4.02s "1 over par" appears after "birdie": mizterconfuzing 4.43s gg appears after "birdie": ssjvegito 4.66s gg appears after "perfect shot" (:/)(4.133 after "birdie"): unhallowed (Good Game message seems random enough (or dependant on the animation the character does and/or on the platform PS/PC) to be ignored in timing)

The only person who managed to get the ball close enough to the hole for the character to „self-putt” it was kyle and the „birdie” message showed up instantly. The rest got the message at interestingly varying amounts of time but close enough for me to be acceptable (a couple of frames). To „reward” the player for getting the ball close to the hole I would suggest the rule to be „stop the timer the instant the last message before Good Game shows up (eg. „par”, „birdie”)(that could be worded better). Sounds fair to me, half a second lost if you don’t manage it and would still maintain the current standings. If you don’t think the proposition is suitable, we could change the rules to say „The instant the ball disappears fully from the screen in the last hole”, that would too be specific enough.

Thank you for your time, zibson

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O zibson
7 years ago
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