I was wondering if there is any way we can have times for just individual missions? sort of like how we have individual levels.
It has come to my attention that a lot of people want to run a glitchless or a no major glitches category due to the difficulty in a lot of the glitches needed to run this game seriously. I am making this thread as a way for the people who want to run that category to come up with the rules and maybe try to get one of the above categories made. Personally, I think it would be easier to do no major glitches but that will depend on what everyone wants. the main thing is for everyone who wants to run to use the same rules.
Ok so i am making this so we can talk about the meme category that is hang glider % rules is use tails to hardlock on the FB 2 hang gliders as fast as possible. Time starts as normal and ends when hang glider is touched. Emeralds are not allowed. We can cave knuckles tag along for extra meme though.