We are currently hosting an any% tournament. It has already begun, so no one can sign up, but we might hold another in the future.
You can follow the tournament here: https://challonge.com/apttp
does anyone know if you can clip in the bottom row of blocks in the 4-2 warp zone like here
What hapenned? Also note that this was done on NTSC-J on emulator
Edit: I continued and did 2nd quest and it too is VERY glitched (glitched flags, headless hammer bros, glitched bills and buzzy beetles, headless Princess Peach, etc.)
Can I use the web version for runs, since for some reason the ROM doesnt work when I patch it
Is it possible to clip in there with the koopa, like in 1-3 in the Warpless TAS?
Warpless TAS:
Today I got bored so I decided to make a TAS to see how many A presses you need to complete the game. My TAS has 116 A presses (not 100% sure) , does anyone know the lowest number of A presses needed.
Where could I improve the TAS?
While trying to get an All-Stars PB, I decided to mess around a bit and try out BBG (everyone was telling me it would softlock/crash the game) and i managed to do a weird BBG/FPG/whatever you want to call it. Could this be a potential time save?