wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago

Absolutely, that seems like a perfect way to split the categories.

wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago

Pretty much a rock% clone, you could use the same strat that rock% uses to get an instant time, maybe an every mushroom would be more interesting but that still is very similar.

Arnwaz, jannik323 i 2 inne podobało się to
wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago

You can use walls as distractions but you cannot use any tools besides the rock to harvest the wood.

wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago

The categories we currently have are good, but they all have too much rng involved in them. BigChunk% heavily relies on getting a sword on spawn and now needing to oneshot the boss with a sniper scope. Adamantite% can be done instantly with a pitmans hut with adamantite ore inside. LegendaryChest% has the same issue as Adamantite%. Death% and Rock% are both entirely luck based.

This is why I propose a new category, one that only true masters of the game and masochists alike will compete in, RockOnlyBC%. The premise of the category is exactly the same as BigChunk%, but you are not allowed to equip armor or use any other tools besides a rock. All seeds work to get a good run of this category because all you need is a rock.

4lpha_, whid, i neighborhoodclassic podobało się to
wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago

Sounds like a fun cat to run although very rng reliant it would not be a "get this item out of a chest and instantly win" cat

wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago

Agreed, but rather than banning the glitch it should be separate categories.

neighborhoodclassic i felz podobało się to
wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago

This would be good as long as wood from chests were banned.

NaturaFLA, felz, i JPanda_ podobało się to
wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago

Ok thank you for your consideration.

wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago

Easy, normal, and gamer should be separated since they are effectively different runs due to the fact that Big Chunk spawns at day 5 on easy, day 4 on normal, and day 3 on gamer. There are also significant differences between easy, normal, and gamer on most speedruns. Also if Easy Normal and Gamer are split there will be more WR's to compete for since each difficulty will have Its own wr to attempt to beat.

EthicalFungus to się podoba
wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago

100Damage%, first to deal 100 damage to any object. Death%, first to die. Kill%, first to kill any hostile creature. Everything%, get every non powerup item. 69%, get 69 of any item without dropping any items. InvFull%, First to fill your inventory with out spreading items to fill it. Power%, get 5 of any power up. Dani%, beat Big Chunk while only being able to pick up Dani's Milk. NoPower% beat Big Chunk while not picking up any powerups first.

Just a couple of ideas that I came up with.

Sceemed, JuiceMaster i 3 inne podobało się to
wątek: Muck
wereawerewolf3 years ago


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