wątek: Alan Wake
Germanytduva1 year ago

I can't reproduce this at all. No matter what timing I jump at, Alan always dies from the fall.

Germanytduva3 years ago

I made a Video Autosplitter profile for VCS: https://github.com/tduva/vas_vcs

I don't know how lenient the image recognition is and whether it will work for other people as well (I'm not using it, Joshimuz does), but feel free to try it out. It can be a bit tricky to set up because the Video Autosplitter component is a bit buggy, but once it works it's pretty useful.

I would add it to the Resources section, but I don't see an option for adding a tool.

Derpeth, Fryterp23 i 2 inne podobało się to
wątek: Alan Wake
Germanytduva4 years ago

Seems like the game was updated at some point. Updates usually change the memory addresses that the Autosplitter uses. I found the new addresses and pushed an update, so it should work again now. If you've enabled the Autosplitter in the Splits Editor it should automatically update.

Kevbot43 i Droogie4Ever podobało się to
wątek: Alan Wake
Germanytduva5 years ago

More updates, most notably added support for the GoG and EGS versions and added more splits, based on cinematic cutscenes.

I tried to choose reasonable additional split positions, but of course it depends on what the game has available and what the Autosplitter can detect (as in, what I know a working memory address for). Some sections are still pretty long with no splits in between, while others are rather short. But if you prefer to have more granular splits, you can now have a maximum of 27 (instead of 14) segments splits automatically.

I've updated the splits in the Resources section for both the default and all Autosplitter splits enabled. If you want to customize what is split or get information on when the splits occur, check out the Autosplitter settings and hover over the individual settings to show tooltips.

I've tested this on all three versions I have (Steam, GoG and EGS), however if you run into issues (e.g. if the memory addresses are different for some reason and it doesn't work properly), please let me know.

tielqt to się podoba
wątek: Alan Wake
Germanytduva5 years ago

I updated the Autosplitter to support splitting at the end of Any%. It worked in my testing, but since it is based on different memory addresses from the other splits, it may not work correctly for everyone, idk.

Let me know if you tried it and it worked/didn't work. It should be enabled by default.

wątek: Alan Wake
Germanytduva5 years ago

After giving this more thought I realized the current timing method is a bit confusing and it would be best to end the IL timing at the start of the next episode ("Previously"-screen). This is a bit inconsistent with the Special ILs and Episode 6 (which doesn't have a next episode), which is what the method of splitting at the start of the last cutscene attempted to avoid, however I think the pros of the new method outweigh the cons. There are two main advantages of the new timing:

  • Easier to split manually, since the "Previous"-screen has a more defined way of appearing (compared to "when the last cutscene of the episode starts", where it's not clear if it's when the fade begins, when the screen is fully black or when the first frame of the cinematic is visible). The "Previously"-screen also has an audio cue.
  • Easier for people who use the Autosplitter, since it automatically splits at the start of the next episode (I don't think the "Previously" comes up at exactly the same time as it splits, but close enough, less than half a second difference).

All IL times have been modified as necessary and new submissions should follow the new rules (some already did anyway).

tielqt to się podoba
wątek: Alan Wake
Germanytduva5 years ago

Seems like some replies to this thread have been deleted due to a database rollback.

There was the question whether the Autosplitter IGT pauses during the cutscene. It should only pause during loading, so it doesn't necessarily pause during cutscenes.

Either way, I'm just going to make the rule consistent in that the time should stop when the last cutscene of the IL comes up, as with Special 1 and Special 2. Since there aren't many submissions anyway it shouldn't be an issue to retime it.

wątek: Alan Wake
Germanytduva5 years ago

I'm not sure this is really that important of a decision, but I'm currently a bit indecisive. This is about the timing end for individual episodes. The timing for the full run and the Specials ends when the last cutscene becomes visible, since that's easily verifiable from watching a recording.

However for the episodes the Autosplitter splits at the beginning of the next episode, which is maybe a second later if the cutscene is skipped. Should we just use the Autosplitter timing for those episodes where it is available? Obviously Episode 6 would still end at the same point as an Any% run and the Specials at the last cutscene, since there is no Autosplit for those anyway. So the timing would be a bit inconsistent, but it would probably reduce some work and confusion for people using the Autosplitter, since the timing wouldn't change from what the timer says.

Obviously it is a somewhat minor thing, but I just wanted to know if there are any opinions on this before I add rules for all the episodes.

Germanytduva6 years ago

That's true, even though "because it executes opcode 0318" is a technicially unambiguous definition, it's not as easy to understand from the standpoint of just playing the game. I don't think a lot of people place too much attention on whether a mission changes the savegame name.

I like the All Assets idea, if only the Heist was an Asset as well. How about "True any%+" as a category, we can just put in it whatever we want. Kappa b

Germanytduva6 years ago

Doing All Missions (by the savegame name rule) would certainly bring it a bit closer to 100%, which would be in line with the argument that was made about it being a bridge to 100%. Definitely an interesting idea. Although All Story Missions seems nice as well, just because it's kind of playing through the whole story. A bit theoretical for me since I'm not really a runner for these longer categories. I guess it wouldn't hurt to add it additionally for a while if people are interested in it.

Germanytduva6 years ago

I think it would be confusing if ASM disappeared from the Main Leaderboards completely (not sure if you meant that by replace), I don't see any harm in having it as a Misc category. It was good enough to be on here all this time.

KZ_FREW to się podoba
Germanytduva6 years ago

@BackmadeJay This has become a thread about finding the Meme Boards since ryedawg posted a screenshot proving how easy it is to find, accompanied by a link leading to a view of the GTA Series page that doesn't actually show those categories, which inadvertently or not, in my opinion highlights a discoverability issue with the GTA Series page. As I mentioned, it's not entirely on-topic, so I will address it further in another place.

This whole thread is still about discoverability though. It started with Tirean not knowing that Dupless exists on the Memeboards. The question to ask here is how many visitors are likely going to look for a category, and popularity among runners is certainly a part of that, but also what people just generall expect to find on the leaderboards. And as BackmadeJay said, I think people should be able to find all categories on the main leaderboards except actual meme categories like Cutscene% or badly defined (if only because you need to load a save) like Desert%.

@blacklev I think just having a separate Any% NMG tab would be enough. At least currently 100% and ASM don't really need a NMG subcategory. And it makes it easier to navigate without subcategories, at least as long as there aren't too many main tabs.

BackmadeJay to się podoba
Germanytduva6 years ago

@Crook4Money My point is that if you open https://www.speedrun.com/gta without any additional URL parameters, then the misc games don't show up by default.

This happens e.g. when you click on the "series" link either in the search or on any game page. So you can e.g. be on https://www.speedrun.com/gtasaohko then click on the "Grand Theft Auto series" link and come to the series overview where it seems like the OHKO page doesn't even exist. It only appears if you change the search options on the left.

Of course you can search for "Grand Theft Auto" or "OHKO" and it appears in the list there, but if you go on the series page expecting to find a nice overview of everything related to GTA Speedrunning, and happen to have used a link that doesn't show the extensions, then you might assume such a page simply doesn't exist.

Again, this is the default page you get (if you happen to not click on "More..." in the search, but use basicially any other link to the series overview):


Germanytduva6 years ago

I didn't want to bring this up in this thread because it seemed a bit off-topic, but since it was brought up how easy it is to find all the information on https://www.speedrun.com/gta .. this is what I get:


In order to find the other categories you have to scroll down and then untick the appropriate checkboxes (which is kind of unintuitive in itself, unticking something to show it). So basicially you have to know exactly what you're looking for already. It wouldn't surprise me if the regular visitor never finds those leaderboards. I myself had some issues trying to find the OHKO% leaderboards.

I don't know if this is some kind of setting that can be changed, or if that's something for speedrun.com to fix/improve (like allowing a separate "Misc" section so everything can be shown always without cluttering the rest of the games list), but as it is that page certainly doesn't provide easy access to all available information.

Germanytduva6 years ago

If the "No Major Gltiches" category has a lot of old runs and only a few new ones and if that's an objective representation of the situation, then that is exactly what I would expect/like to find on the leaderboards. I think that is what they are about, informing people about the development and current situation of a category/speedrun.

What might be worthwhile is to add a short info as to when and why the category was created, so it doesn't appear as though "No Major Skips" was a separate category from the start and then any% became more popular, but that these old runs basicially were any% at some point (not sure if that isn't clear anyway, but it doesn't hurt to document these things).

Edit: Is there even a way to show any kind of message on the leaderboards except for the rules? If need be it could go in there I guess.

Germanytduva6 years ago

As long as the runs fit the "No Major Glitches" (yet to be determined) rules, they should be on the leaderboards, no matter how old they are. I think it's interesting to get a complete view of what runs there actually are that fit the rules. Especially if one reason for the category is to kind of separate the old and new "era" of the run, runs of the old "era" should be allowed as well. Of course it could be problematic for runs that e.g. were submitted before the FPS rules were in place and didn't follow them, but I'm not sure how many of those there even are.

Germanytduva6 years ago

I like "No Major Glitches" as a category name, because it keeps it more open to define in the rules what is and isn't allowed. This seems necessary to future proof the category, as was pointed out. It can still lead to some discussions over rules (what doesn't), but it's probably the best chance to stay true to what I assume the intention of this category is: To have a run more similiar to that before duping, but still allow newer small techniques like despawning traffic or using replays for minor skips, which don't change the overall run as much.

As for having it on the main leaderboards: I don't really see an issue with adding it. It's a pretty reasonable category to have (as long as it is defined well!), because I feel people interested in the game (not just runners) will be looking for it ("Hey, I wonder what the best time without all those crazy glitches is like?"). Isn't that what speedrun.com is about? To give people access to information, both on what times and runs there are and forums/guides. Even it the category is not very active, it still informs people about the fact that it's not very popular compared to any%. Maybe it will even get people into running it.

Now I'm not for adding every possible category to the main leaderboards and having loads of categories with just a few or no runs. But an any% category with some variations of restrictions (No Gltiches, No Major Glitches, No Mission Skips) seems like a pretty common thing in Speedrunning (I assume especially if the introduction of new glitches kind of created a new era in the run, and it's nice to keep them separate) and I'm not sure how it hurts having an extra tab on the leaderboards for something like that (again, under the condition of it being well defined).

LaserTrent, Zachoholic i 7 inne podobało się to
wątek: Alan Wake
Germanytduva6 years ago

Actually it could use some explanation. I don't remember there being a percentage counter ingame, so what do you consider 100%?

Germanytduva6 years ago

I just wanted to put this out there in case people are interested. I don't know if this is known already.

Getting on the bridge works the same as in FLYING's video (which seems fairly consistent).

For the second part I turn around and go backwards, steering towards the center of the bridge (D) and leaning backwards.

This seemed much easier to me (although a bit slower because you drive backwards), however my only problem with it is that sometimes the bike will suddenly jump to the right and slide down that beam (last clip). I'm not quite sure how to prevent that, maybe it would be possible to be a bit more careful somehow, but it's difficult to test if a certain way is safer, since it doesn't happen very often (but often enough that I'm not sure I want to try that a few hours into a run). However with the other strat, driving on it forwards, I did fall into the water as well sometimes.

faulux, Thunder i 4 inne podobało się to
Germanytduva7 years ago

Patrick_: What would be the difference between Pause Buffering vs. Pausing? How long it is paused? In that case, even the key repeat rate may be relevant, as in how often you pause/unpause per second. Or does the game actually detect that you're holding down the button and acts differently because of that?

I use Shift to hold calls and had my call dropped during phonecall starting LS Stadium. I don't remember if that always happened or just sometimes, maybe when I ended up on the Pause screen at the end of Pause Buffering. Either way, I always Pause Buffer without holding the call, and as soon as the call comes in instantly release ESC and start holding Shift (in that order, so that I can never Pause by accident while already holding the call). If I'm at the Pause screen at that point I can just unpause, since I don't hold the call yet in that case.

O tduva
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