Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy10 months ago

If it was really long ago, Dolphin might have improved since then, and the physics could have become identical because of those changes.

Test it out again if you're bored. idk

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy10 months ago
Ten komentarz został usunięty
Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy10 months ago

I don't plan to speedrun this game, but I'm curious on the state of emulating the Wii version.

The dolphin wiki indicates that the game has no issues, but using any texture filtering features will cause FMVs to display incorrectly, as will setting internal resolution to auto.

Would Dolphin be permissible to play the Wii version?

The rules don't seem to mention anything on this, but it seems like every run is either on console or PC, as if emulator isn't allowed? Please clarify, not for me but for anyone else who wants to speedrun using an emulator.

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy10 months ago

I was playing casually, and I managed to trigger a Collector while in a cutscene (namely, the "I'll be your BFF" doll and the Collector right by it)

The tuba sound got really high pitched.

I'm unsure, but maybe check this for other glitchy behaviour? We already know the tuba sounds glitch, does anything else?

This was on a Wii U, with a real disc. I'm using the later PEGI 7 ver, not the original PEGI 12 ver.

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy1 year ago


grntsz, Zanum i 2 inne podobało się to
wątek: LEGO Island
Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy1 year ago

bump, i'd say at the very least turn speed fix needs to be allowed but the speed changes should NOT be allowed for obvious reasons. hi quality music shouldnt impact things too much so allow it for now.

BTW, you need to use the final .net version; latest version as of 23/08/2023 is broken and doesn't work

SuperGamer64 i urnotpeter podobało się to
Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy1 year ago

ask on the discord

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy1 year ago

the zone is dead you gotta survive

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy2 years ago

this is the only comment john has posted, definitely a shill/throwaway cus you wouldnt make an account just to tell one person to use a certain vpn

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy2 years ago

There's a ToyPad emulator that runs on the Raspberry Pi 4(B) as well as the Zero (2) W and can be used on real console (Doubt it works on xbox tho) link is https://github.com/Berny23/LD-ToyPad-Emulator it even works in a VM if you're using Cemu or RPCS3 One note tho - the Wii U's USB ports don't give much power so if you want to use this on a real Wii U, better be using a Zero (2) W cus the 4B can't be powered from the Wii U in my testing EDIT: By the way, you can use a 4B with a PS4. I don't have a copy of the game on PS4 but I'm able to SSH into my Pi when it's plugged into my PS4 Pro

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy2 years ago

Yeah, vita is just PS3 but way laggier. You can literally suffocate in trees that haven't properly loaded yet for god's sake why would you ever run on Vita

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy3 years ago

even if youre just playing it casually its so short tho

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy3 years ago


  1. You can run any version of the game on Xbox 360 without modding. PS3 can run almost any version if modded, but is easy to mod. PS4 can run any LCE version released on PS4 but i believe it requires weird stuff including wiping ur hdd.
  2. the wii isnt the same as the wii u cancelled + ratio
Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy3 years ago

Missing at least 3 more version switches. You f@Ing NO9B.

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy3 years ago

Wtf an LBP game without create mode? Welp, at least my new PC can probably emulate the old games so I always have netplay at least

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy3 years ago

i dont own a ps4 but im curious if saba is good in case i ever finish obtain ps4 % :trolled:

Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy3 years ago

bruh cave is that an LBP pfp? I remember lbp2, even though i only spent a year or two with it in late 2017/2018 up to maybe 2019 or 2020? sad i bricked my ps3 and the servers shut down ;(

CaveSpider to się podoba
Merseyside, Englandspudpiggy3 years ago

There I did a bad border% run :admireU:

O spudpiggy
rarely speedrun, most activity is forum posts/getting resources/reading guides etc.
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