Nebraska, USAp1xelfart8 years ago

SRL should take lo1ts spot as mod

sadrunslive to się podoba
Nebraska, USAp1xelfart8 years ago

figured it was best for you to be supermod since you actually have plans to update the forums and im pretty sure you need supermod to edit the leaderboard rules and shit

Nebraska, USAp1xelfart8 years ago

Cool so if I just go a head and mod TheMaster no one is going to oppose it right? Hes obv the most qualified as of late spez: just went ahead and modded him I know I should make this a community decision but lets be real he deserves it.

Nebraska, USAp1xelfart8 years ago

reminder add-ons ruin your load times and potentially add an advantage and i second banning runs with addons completely

wątek: iZBOT
Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

the "beat world 1" ect shouldn't be there at all. Categories that don't go through the whole run aren't really categories.

Something simliar to this issue was the "trevor%" when GTA V first was being speedrun. It wasn't a full game category and the opted to not use it at all in the categories.

also madsen's right about the Any% rename

Rabbit i madsen podobało się to
wątek: Fallout 4
Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

I dont know if this will happen a lot, or depended on what area you load into and how fast, but i was trying to find launches to speed up walking to certian areas and i would crash pretty consistently. I'm not sure if it was because I was in windowed mode or because i have a slow harddrive but I think that teleporting too far at once will crash your game.

wątek: Fallout 4
Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

Has anyone tried boostingg and sliding with items other than the engine? I feel like there might items big enough to do these glitches while also being able to put it in your inventory to use for llater. I know you can boost yourself with buckets and what not but its so much easier with the engine.

wątek: Fallout 4
Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

Haha this kept happening me in single player and i couldn't figure out what the fuck was happening. Nice to know I whats happening now.

now that i think about it, I was doing a practice and when i got to valentines rescue mission, inside the vault i teleported to another room and valentine teleported all the way back to where he was rescued. dunno if this could be abused with followers as well

wątek: Fallout 4
Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

I'd rather have a game run in german and be 3 minutes faster than be 3 minutes slower so i could hear what people are saying ig. plus changing language is easy as hell.

wątek: Fallout 4
Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

someone should quick make a duplicate of this version of the game, they might patch this out and make i harder for new players to get into the game later on. I'd do it right now but I'm at school and just thought of this.

wątek: Fallout 4
Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

something to keep in mind when making rules:

Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

nice, thanks :D

Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

Alright I'm about 2 seconds from merging LMOE difficulties and the same for ILs/


Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

We should seriously merge the difficulties, for the main campaigns and ILs. Surely there´s some wet strategies you can use with difficulty binds.

all thse categories are killing

Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

check the resources page, we already have an entire config set up for callvotes on maps and difficulties.

Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

shit thanks. I was looking for this for the longest time and never found it

Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

Weapon textures: OK Weapon models: OK Weapon sounds: OK Survivor textures: NO Survivor models: NO Survivor sounds: NO Infected/Uncommon Infected textures: NO Infected/Uncommon Infected models: NO Special Infected textures: NO Special Infected models: NO Special Infected sounds: NO Special Infected music (Witch, Tank): NO Sound effects (Pipe bomb explosion, horde alert, etc): NO Dark Carnival concert finale: OK

Is a pretty good list. As a general rule I would say No remodels of anything outside of weapons or textures like yashi's daft punk shit.

Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

alright case closed. Allowing the use of .8.

Nebraska, USAp1xelfart9 years ago

ok dude just host a server and we gucci

O p1xelfart
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