Champagne-Ardenne, Francenuke__8 years ago

Hi there, I am Nuke from France as you can see. I don't speak or write a perfect English, so please, be indulgent, thank you :) I've been visiting this site for a while now, and never though about joining, yet, This place is where I find my inspiration for my actual runs, and I can't feel anything but humility When I see so much hard work coming from you guys. SpeedRunning is just amazing, it changed my vision on video-games. I've allways been into challenges, this is what video-games are made for to me, competition and fun ! With the AGDQ, there's big response to those who critisizes video-game and say things like " video-games are for kids, videos-games make people stupid, video-games are making people violent " Well, you see, Video-games are so violent that every year, a multitude of speedrunners are reuniting to gather founds for various associations. And that's just an example beside many other cool things concerning video-games. it's a real passion and i'm glad to see that this kind of events actually happen. Anyway, I hope i'll be able to learn and improve myself with you help if you please, so I can submit a proper run as soon as possible. See you soon on the forums, and keep running !

O nuke__
8 years ago
8 years ago