Timing rules have been updated as we now have GLcoder's excellent autosplitter available. Runs using old timing will not be re-timed outside of top 3.
No Major Glitches has been added.
I'm looking at No Major Glitches as an additional category, my current thoughts on rules would be as follows:
1: No skipping story quests with early spark key 2: No Battery-carry glitch
Does anyone see anything else that should be included as a major glitch? I'll be considering input both from here and the discord.
Due to GLcoder's hard work on the autosplitter, is there any objection to changing the rules to require start at the difficulty selection input for consistent timing?
Due to Koatal's impressive ongoing work hunting for new Any% tech, it's about time to talk Categories, I guess.
I'm looking at a No Major Glitches category, but this means we'll need to decide what qualifies as "Major".
So, pretty much what it says on the tin, I've been trying some runs at going back-to-back-to-back on the 3 launch maps, Outpost, Burning Paris, Biotics Lab.
As a category, I think it has some things going for it.
For one, if we require map vote to swap maps, it puts RNG bosses on at least 2 out of 3 maps even for PC, making for a great equalized run for console vs. PC competition.
For two, it gives us one of those meatier categories people had wanted at various times, but without having so many maps that a long duration at higher difficulties becomes an insane reset-fest automatically, or an endurance marathon.
Also, finally, it's just fun. Bouncing between several games quickly, not forcing a speed-choice boss based on quick kills gives us something a little higher% feel within the bounds of the game's original design.