Indiahaseeb_heaven4 years ago

Who cares this game is dead anyways no speedrunners and inactive moderators.

Indiahaseeb_heaven6 years ago

Mind your language and try to understand the situation.

Indiahaseeb_heaven6 years ago

Show your talent as a mod then surely he will , but dont act like this won’t help you

OmaiR_IrfaN to się podoba
Indiahaseeb_heaven6 years ago

Bandicam is for screen recording and has feature of gaming mode also but FRAPS is made only for game recording and thats why its quality is far superior than others.

Indiahaseeb_heaven6 years ago

There are very few followers of this game even i like to speedrun this game very much but I don’t think they need new admins right now because there are very few people and very few submissions right now.

Indiahaseeb_heaven6 years ago

There are very few followers of this game even i like to speedrun this game very much but I don’t think they need new admins right now because there are very few people and very few submissions of speedrun right now.

Indiahaseeb_heaven6 years ago

Usually we do jumping with direction [Left or Right], you have to jump while holding the direction for ex : Hold [Up+Left] Key and then jump this will cover more distance than regular jump and helps in improving the time in our speed run.

OmaiR_IrfaN to się podoba
Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

congratz dude you can beat WR sonn

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

Hello , i recently created a bot for Super Mario Bros. called LuaRio bot in Lua. So while i was testing the Bot , it did some pretty funny things which i wasn't expecting .

I collided with Floor bricks which are usually not likely to hit by player , since he is bot he did some inputs there also changed the block to ? blocks and sometimes even smashed the bricks.

I also placed this Bricks upwards with Level Editor and i tried to smash them but i couldn't .

And also Bot Stomped Paratroopa and still didn't got killed , i guess game doesn't check for enemy detection while Paratroopa is stomped and its falling down.

here is the video about it.

Here is my Bot that i Created LuaRio.

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

i said maybe its intended taking into consideration what happens with Blooper when you stomp it. Dont know maybe its just random bug then

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

@conmangamer22 : do you know there is an secret about blooper aswell if you will stomp on blooper thats not possible also without hacking , it will give 1000 points , they made this intended for later use in upcoming games like SMB2 Japan aka lost levels. And my point is this stomp of CheepCheep turning to Koopa maybe also intended.

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

Hello, i have found new bug/glitch in smb1, that when you stomp in CheepCheep it converts into koopa, if its green cheepcheep then it will turn into GreenKoopa and if its RedCheepCheep it will turn into RedKoopa.

I was manage to change enemy to CheepCheep using EnemyChanger script which i wrote myself in Lua. and then i was able to stomp CheepCheep elsewise its not possible to stomp on CheepCheep and Blooper .

Here is the video of bug/glitch.

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

FPG and fast 4-2 has 30% success rate , but that clip is very hard trick to do

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

its not that easy to do , it need pixel perfect and frame perfect inputs and has very low probability of success.

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

This is very old glitch see speedrun of TAS of SMB Warpless they uses these type of glitches

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

It maybe useful for those who find Wrong Warp regular method very hard . And for casual players like me i play as big mario sometimes.

Omar to się podoba
Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

Here is the video showing No bump method to achieve wrong warp for 4-2 .

Video on Twitch.

Usually you need 2-3 bumps atleast for WrongWarp to work technically speaking you need 20 pixels of bump to ahcieve this,

For Wrong Warp xPos should be 132. By Default xPos is 112. Need 20 Pixels for wrong warp atleast.

But from this method you dont need any bumb you just need to duck at the right time and press keep pressing left so that Mario will be ejected to right. thus giving your xPosition a bump.

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

Yes it can be placed with level editor.

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

Unused Objects.


An object that Mario can climb up or down like a vine. It makes a "buzzing" sound as you climb, as though Mario is repeatedly hitting his head on something. It can still be placed in-game with a level editor. Although it appears as a brown flagpole ball, the actual 16×16 metatile that is used is unique to this object.

Iink here : https://tcrf.net/Super_Mario_Bros.

I found that objects is actually FlagPole's top with object value of 0x31 containing at offset 0x0016.

Here is my tweet about it. https://twitter.com/haseeb_heaven/status/831679215783120897

Indiahaseeb_heaven7 years ago

Feel free to report any errors or bugs.

O haseeb_heaven
8 years ago
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