fishman13 months ago

Is there an agreed-upon best visual cue to push start on the title screen where there are the most frames of leeway to finish the level in or does every runner develop their own visual cues?

fishman14 months ago

So, how exactly can you get the 4C strat? I did it when I first tried, but since then, I have never been able to enter the pipe early enough but always get 4B. So, am I too slow in the advanced top flight (I tried the jump strat as well but I still didn't get it), or do I have to do the note block jump to get the koopa (so as to despawn the other koopa earlier), or does the walking koopa's position have to be precise or at least in a range of good values? I keep trying to look for info but I can't find anything. Thank you!

Shadowbrine1 to się podoba
fishman14 months ago

So I did a first-time pipe clip in a run. However, I am so inconsistent at it that it takes so many runs to 7-1 that already my attempt counter is over 5k attempts. Also all my w1 golds bite the dust due to this. This is extremely frustrating and I have tried using various visual cues and different setups and methods to try to make it more consistent, such as doing the frame-perfect at the edge of the block and releasing with 2 frames of leeway. Plus I also try the method where you jump at the crack in the blocks. Although there are four frames of leeway for the release, the frame perfect in still very inconsistent and I miss it 99% of the time. I have tried letting go of left, holding down+left, and gaining more speed before trying for the clip, but I can't find anything. How do the best people get the muscle memory for the clip? Are there any aids or visual cues? Or do you just have to hope you get it every time? I really need help. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this disorganized mess of a thread. Btw, how do you do the first hammer bro manip. I have not done it and would like to know how. Maybe it would make more good runs to throw at pipe clip. :). Ha Ha Ha! Bye Bye.

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