Hey, If you still want your run verified, you can try to become a moderator of the game yourself, you can do it under Support tickets -> Moderation Request. As it seems the two current mods are inactive.
Just looked up one of the runs of Ultrakill and it was just a bunch of explosions then a reward screen. This is going to be crazy to witness.
I know this might be a bit late, but I just got approved as mod for this game and the extra time you see added is because the game timer shown at the end resets every time you extract, so you'd have to add up the time shown on each screen for your final/total time
The current link on the page is invalid/expired. Humbly requesting a new invite
I am having same problem, sometimes it works with only 1 animated, but never 2.
Reading Pornhub's terms of service, going for a drive And obeying all the traffic laws in Grand Theft Auto V
So far I enjoy the features. But there are a few things that made me sad.
Supporter Icon: The supporter Icon can't be gif like the Donor icon (and transparency goes black)
Game Ordering: As other has said Game Ordering needs to be drag and drop, and maybe more options in the drop down menu like based on time (Fastest to slowest. ect.)
Featured run: When visiting from a browser not logged in, the featured run is not appearing, This might just be a beta bug, but thought i'd put it in writing somewhere
Other suggestions: A thing that connects your social media, so like you get a "supporter" role in the SRC discord'
Otherwise its pretty good, looking forward to seeing the updates and such :)
To get Victor in your contacts you must talk to him before leaving him, you can just press F (or what ever your talk button is) and run out.
To setup the "phonecall glitch" there is 2 ways to make it the one where you use Fast Travel Storage you have to call Victor and other people while in the frozen state that you are in after the fast travel But there is a much easier way to set it up by calling Victor right after opening the door to Misty and Jackie, and then running down to Victor and talking to him while talking to him on the phone (video on how it's done )