to my knowlegde any% is obtaining the water melon in level 4 but the chuck norris um think does not bounce on the spring on the online version and i can not download the game because i can not open .rar files so is it still possible to to the run?
i am looking into doing 32 tracks and i see no variables for items and no items so do i have to play with items or can i turn them off?
can each level in the 10 mario challenge courses be an IL and the NWC courses be in there as well?
I just did my first run of 33 shines and when I got 32 it said I could go fight bowser. I still got the last one to still follow the rules but I don't know if that was not supposed to happen or if it was. if you can go into the final bowser fight after 32 shines normally then why do we get a 33rd?
I don't speedrun this game cuz I am back but I was thinking of doing the Zelda zone IL cuz it is fun and easy but I realized there are no IL leaderboards. why?
can there be world ILs like world 1 and world 2 where you only have to complete the world? no skip badges would be allowed or else it would be how fast can you skip 8 levels in Yoshi's woolly world. I also think that if it happens then that like the full game runs and normal ILs there should be runs with badges and runs without badges.
on the bowser party runs can we have 4 remotes instead of 4 cpu's to reduce RNG?
on the final boss i am confused on when to stop timing because i stop on fade out where you lose control but when i saw socialspeedrunner's run i saw that he stopped timing as soon as he got the final hit so can someone tell me when i am supossed to stop so i know? thanks.
i would like to see some indevisual console runs for every mario game on that console not including vc even as a misk catigory i think it would be cool
is there a cirtain order of the 10 mario challenge courses or is it just RNG that decides what level is next
i was thinking there could be a subject where the player had to complete the solo minigame river or one where the player has to play all of the minigames
i have tried everything i can think of and i can not get livesplit into my stream. I stream with xsplit broadcaster and i wanted to know if it was possible to put livesplit into xsplit broadcaster and if so would i have to get the membership to do so
in the boss speedruns at the bottom of the IL section i can not find the boss menu to select it so i wanted to know if that is the boss tent bosses or not
could we have a catigory where the player only needs to get all the required items to unlock the extra level in that world and complete but they are not required to get anything else. I also have another one where the player only has to beat the boss levels only on a seperate file of course and i think timing would start when the player comfirmes the badge on the badge selection screen and timing stops when the player gets the final hit on giant baby bowser.
when i do IL runs i always start at -6.04 since that is the amount of time it takes for yoshi to do his little dance and throw the gem in the air and i do that so i can stop when he throws the diamond instead of as soon as i enter the goal ring and i wanted to know if that is allowed.