bluewiregaming3 years ago

As far as I am currently aware (not including the health flask, there are 2 weapons, 3 helmets, 3 tops and 2 bottoms. cultist robe top and pants as well as iron breastplate are in level 1 as well as the first weapon (butchers knife). You get the axe and helmet in level 2 (start) and can pickup both the 2nd helmet (chaos) and 3rd top here (chaos breastplate) finishing the level with the iron legs near the elevator . Is there a chaos leg piece that I'm missing or anything else?

bluewiregaming3 years ago

Is there a list somewhere of all items in the game? Asking for 100% purposes

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Hey guys, blue here

Just wondering as a new player myself) are there any other resources or documentation on skips used in the different runs? I've seen a few cool skips in runs but can't seem to find out how to do them myself. Any help would be greatly appreciated and maybe a resource could be added to document these tricks and help new players.

Thanks in advance ;)

wątek: Speedrunning
bluewiregaming7 years ago

But telling someone to rot and die isn't childish?

wątek: Speedrunning
bluewiregaming7 years ago

As a disclaimer for BFBB specifically do not expect to be accepted even if you are within the set perameters (not under the cutoff time)

I have had multiple runs removed even with video (and some not under the cutoffs) as well as 1 video I had no video of (but later got a better pb in ;) )

It's probably different for different games and communities as tron says but I would suggest in any case try to get proof of your run so there is absolutely no grounds for rejection. (even if its just on a terrible webcam or camcorder/phone some communities accept this)

wątek: Speedrunning
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Hello folks, I hate to rehash ridiculous old quarrels but I'm genuinely disturbed by the accusations that were levied against me (and never cleared up) regarding my falling out with the Bfbb community. I was just wondering what the standard of evidence is for accusations like this. In the past people have had long drawn out discussions and deconstructions over video and audio evidence being scrutinized to the fullest extent.

Instead, I get a half assed explanation (that honestly smells a lot more like a cover up) of how cheating COULD have occurred. Not how it did specifically occur. The reason I bring it up as such an issue is because that exact same run was approved about a week later with no problem. The original claim has still not been retracted and amongst the community, I'm sure my name has long since been defamed. These people have labeled me as some troll who was "harassing them" even though the only comments of any sort (actual threats of violence, wishing death upon me and calling me autistic as an insult) have been coming from THEM. They've rejected my runs in the past for no reason, claimed I didn't even run the game and even went as far as to go out of their way to personally attack my friends merely for associating with me. I find all of these accusations reprehensible and unbecoming of a moderator (much less a community leader)but I'm not in charge of who gets demoted here.

All I'm asking for now is some answers. What are the standards of evidence required? Should moderators be held accountable for an abuse of powers? How can they be held accountable? Anyone willing to offer ideas or answers to any of these would be greatly appreciated. I don't like seeing this kind of nefarious activity taking place amongst moderators and community members.

PLEASE check out all relevant links:

Run in question:

A relevant post talking about the accusations and Shifts masterpost of lies: http://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/xmubf

Myles one of the mods (Who has not only lied about me to get me banned but then deleted my runs putting provocative comments like "finally its over, your gone" attempting to rub it in. Those runs have since been reinstated.) Who has said it before but decided again in this very heated conversation to reiterate that I am mentally ill and deserve to die.

These are the kind of people entrusted with running this community -.-

Interesting video on cheating in speedrunning (inspired this post)

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Want me to post a picture of when you replied? Kek

Maybe this thread wouldn't be on the top of the boards if people didn't lock n block everything they don't like. ????

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Jumpy with the dank spyro comparisons

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Man the BFBB community sure is friendly

;) as always ~your fave troll

wątek: The Site
bluewiregaming7 years ago

Yeah Im not sure what yoshis on about? I guess he was having a hard time setting splits or something?

bluewiregaming7 years ago

How did they do it? Via a tab for emulator or what?

(Oh derp..maybe I should just go check it out)

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Depends which emulator but yeah I'd agree that they need to be separate. If you would like I can contact blue about this (the super mod) but enough people would have to want the change. Shouldn't be a big deal though

bluewiregaming7 years ago

"I'm not agreeing with you as you have been nothing but a nuisance since this whole thing started. You don't need to know if it is about you (you should 100% assume you are one of the people, since you pretty much started this whole thing). They decided to start accepting your runs again, and all your doing with these forum posts is giving them more incentive to put you on the blacklist for just not dropping this childish B.S".

I have been nothing but a nuisance since this whole thing started? and why did it start agian? oh yeah. thats right, they were rejecting my runs out of spite and with no real reasoning. I wouldnt ever have even gone to this forum had they been acccepted in the first place. and :" you should 100% assume you are one of the people, since you pretty much started this whole thing" So I was right to assume I was on their list of deplorables. Again I didn't start this, they did -.- "They decided to start accepting your runs again, and all your doing with these forum posts is giving them more incentive to put you on the blacklist for just not dropping this childish B.S"." They shouldnt have rejected them in the first place. Im looking for answers in these posts, and that shouldn't be a reason for me to be blacklisted. Whats childish is rejecting peoples runs out of spite, communicating as little as possible with the community and then locking every thread you disagree with. Any more?

Maycrom to się podoba
bluewiregaming7 years ago

zecora you responded: "for one he said it has happened several times so its not about just one person. Plus your runs are being accepted now why are you poking the hornets nest."

Still I must ask am I included in those people? You admit theyre being accepted now as they shouldve been in the first place (glad were on the same page that mods rejected them for no reason ;) ) and you say why am I poking the hornets nest? Why is it a hornets nest...Why isnt it a community? Why are the mods afraid to respond to people and instead lock threads and hide?

bluewiregaming7 years ago

Is your post regarding 'repeat offenders' about me? If so how did I violate the rules in the first place and how would i be continuing to do so? (i havent submitted in a littlewhile)

Sorry if this isn't about or for me. I'd simply just like to know :) thanks in advance

wątek: Tess
bluewiregaming8 years ago

Thankyou Omni :D I appreciate it

wątek: Tess
bluewiregaming8 years ago

Hey I was just looking into getting into this game and I'd like to run it as well. I'm wondering if there's any tips or tricks I should be aware of for the run

wątek: The Site
bluewiregaming8 years ago

My older runs are still rejected, the new subjective rule they added is BS and do you really think shift or the other mods should suffer no consequences for abusing power and lying about me? I would consider this far from over.

Edit: also they weren't troll runs in the first place -.- They were "valid" from the beginning @PresJPolk

wątek: The Site
bluewiregaming8 years ago

Alright, I know its probably unwise to bump this up again as this thread should be dead but seeing as its been more than two weeks and some quite ridiculous accusations have been levied against me I find it reasonable to be able to defend myself now that I'm back.

First thing is first: my runs have now been accepted. Newer submissions that is (my old runs that were taken down STILL with no reason given are still listed as rejections) Whatever, they're mostly obsolete now so it isn't that big of a deal but awfully sketchy how you don't want to mention those at all. Now what unfortunately has come out of this was a new rule added to every category for the game. One that reads as follows: "Submissions with disrespectful/profane comments and/or media will be rejected. " For one, what is the standard or precedent for what is and isn't disrespectful and profane. I personally would consider talking down to your audience and calling them idiots, morons, autistic, etc is "disrespectful and profane" @SHiFT who has repeatedly done just that. I don't think thats reason for rejection but according to your own subjective rules it should be. Also notice it goes past the comments issue and specifically says "and/or media will be rejected" meaning the actual video itself can be given as a reason for rejection of what is otherwise a legitimate run. Why leave it up to such subjective standards? This would mean that anyone in the 'in group' of the community can get away with it whilst people like me who talk about this whole debacle during my runs would get rejected because you could consider practically anything "disrespectful." Aside from that stupid rule being added lets get onto shifts accusations of me.

#1 that I deleted runs/submissions to cover up evidence. This accusation especially is laughable as it stems from a misunderstanding shift has of this website and the way it operates. To put it simply whenever you make a submission and it is rejected it will be listed under pending actions as a rejection. A player can then hit 'edit' and resubmit it for approval. When it is resubmitted it appears as a separate submission until rejected wherein it returns to counting as only one rejection (joined with the old one) Shifts "proof" of this stems from him only seeing that I have 3 rejections, yet I submitted way more than 3 (they were the same runs/rejections just edited and resubmitted) he then leapt to the conclusion that I must've been deleting runs to hide something -.- Anyway now that thats cleared up care to walk that one back shifty?

#2 that I'm a troll. I have said time and time again that I am not one and you even state this petty: "Had he stopped claiming he was a troll before spamming the forums with rude content, we may have reconsidered his submissions." FYI I did explain multiple times that I was not a troll before ever being involved on the forum. This is a blatant lie and I'd encourage you to walk that one back too. You were the people that labbeled me a troll and have continued to do so (hence the thing that started this all: you not being able to handle "from your favorite troll" in a comment of a submission that you could've chosen to edit or remove.

#3 that I cheated...for an out of top 3 position.... on a leaderboard for a spongebob game -.- Are you freaking serious? To actually buy that garbage you'd have to assume I recorded a TAS or used other tools to cheat wherein I messed up frequently in the run, did multiple runs before hand (all live and on stream as well) and was pressing on my controller for the entire time lining up button clicks with inputs. You'd think if someone were to actually go through all that trouble they wouldnt be doing it for 20th place -_- Also gotta love how he explains how people CAN cheat without going into how I SUPPOSEDLY cheated. Brilliant stuff there shifty. Furthermore it should be worth noting the run he accused me of cheating in is now approved. (on one last note on this: I'm pretty sure that in the rejections there was no mention of me cheating which leads me to believe this was a ploy to cover your mistake after the fact) So another blatant lie with that accusation. Care to walk that one back as well?

Just a few enders: love how you admit ringo rejected giving no reason. (gotta protect the in group) Still no explanation for my older runs that were already verified but got rejected because of this You claim this isn't some personal issue until I made it one when if you guys hadn't rejected my runs out of spite and idiocy this ordeal never would've happened. Also gotta love how your screenshot of "proof" only proves that ringo rejected it with no reason. Good on you -.-

In my own (subjective) personal opinion the way these players have handled this situation and acted toward me is unbecoming of a moderator and what they should be. Furthermore why should a site about speedrunning and the content therein be subject to limited freedom of speech? What about saying a few nasty words makes the run itself illegitimate? Its a slippery slope from you cant say anything offensive to you can't say anything at all because of anything being able to be interpreted as offensive.

My personal advice for you @SHiFT_HD would be self-reformation. Grow some thicker skin, Get off your high horse, and stop lying about me.

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