Louisiana, USA_Wado30006 months ago

The core of this game is to go through the in-game events as quickly as possible and beat the necessary duelists one by one. Been trying to play around and route this game, my issue with an Any% run is that it’s inevitably hours of grinding for levels. It’s just kind’ve boring and monotonous after some point.

So for a completely arbitrary category, I’d like to suggest a run where the player would start with the max levels possible, and literally all the cards in the game. So the run would be greatly simplified from Any%. And yes, for this arbitrary run I’m saying we use action replay cheats to make this possible, and ONLY this much possible. No instant win cheats or others would be allowed.

If you cut out all the grinding for levels you have to do playing normally, there’s a total of 55 duels to go through, and with over 13,000 cards unlocked there’s plenty of choices for anyone to tackle the run how they see fit. It’s still roughly a 5 hour run give or take, and the player would have to have the game knowledge to trigger all the necessary events and win duels quickly.

Louisiana, USA_Wado30007 years ago

Sup guys, this game is finally on the site :) so I guess we should decide on what rules should be allowed for runs of this game.

Tbh I'm not sure what a 100% speedrun, or a simple Any% with the rule to "complete the game" would be. I assume it's to unlock all the characters & all cards by beating Cell over and over.

The main reason I requested this game was to create an arbitrary category, simply called "Beat Cell Any%". Starting would be after choosing "Erase Data" in the options, since I don't know of an easier way to start fresh. The run would end after winning against Cell, when you reach the screen that says "You have defeated Cell!"

Going by those rules, it seems like an interesting run. I dunno of any glitches in this game that make it breakable. The main thing I've found is getting Red Style Mastery as a drop in Level 1, and making a Red Style deck to power through the game.

Interested to hear anyone's thoughts on this idea, and any other potential runs, strategies, etc.

Louisiana, USA_Wado30008 years ago

Figured I'd make a thread about this, as it's something literally no one's really considered about this game.

It seems that if you reset the game directly after defeating someone, the game still recognizes the win. So for example, say you beat Seeker for the 5th time. If you choose to reset the game before Seeker starts speaking, the game will count the win.

(Note: To be more specific, it's after you leave the actual "duel screen", and right when you see the text box after the duel. Resetting during duels doesn't lead to anything)

Here's a vid of mine I posted on youtube using resets on an emulator:

At about 1:22:00, I just use the button combination on Gambatte to reset. At about 2:03:42, you see that I move on to Tier 3 without any issue.

Basically, with resetting, you can save time by skipping the random crap said by Seeker, Pandora, Slysheen, and Darknite. It also helps if you know you're losing a duel, or if it's just going very slowly. Since literally no one's done this, this can save minutes of time.

The thing is though, there's apparently no easy way to do this on console. All the runs posted are on emulator, no idea if anyone has tried on console. But I assume there's no easy way to just reset the game like there is on emulator.

There's a few options we can consider. We can outright ban resets on emulator, as I'm assuming it's not possible on the "real" version of the game. There's also the possibility of just banning emulators, but literally no one has used console lol. I'm assuming on a real Gameboy, simply turning it off an on would be the closest way to reset.

Again, an easy solution would be to add in to the rules "no resets if using emulator", as it's a pretty clear advantage. We could even come up with different categories. I personally kind of like the idea of skipping useless exposition; I'd even have time added to future runs if I'm resetting or simply turning the emulator off and on at certain points. Something like "For every reset, have 5-10 seconds added to your run", or for however long it might take to turn the game off and on, on console. I guess this is something for mods to consider, or if anyone has input.

Louisiana, USA_Wado30008 years ago

First off, sorry if this is the wrong place, or if there's some other error with my post, I'm sure the mods will correct whatever issue comes up lol

I've been trying to develop my own strats for this game, so I've been testing this game off and on for a while. So I wanted to ask a few questions about the RNG, to anyone that knows much about it:

  1. Is there a particular method for how card drops work?
  • I feel like if there was some way to manipulate it, someone would have found it by now, but figured I'd just ask. The spreadsheet (big help by Froggy25) lists them by individual duelists, so we know it's from a preset list, but how does it determine exactly which drop it will give?
  • And to just tie to this question, I've gotten Blue-Eyes White Dragon as a drop entirely randomly, from people outside whom you'd expect (Kaiba & P. Seto). Could we assume there's a small chance you could get it from anyone, and does any other card work like it?
  1. How exactly does the AI prioritize the cards it will play for a turn?
  • The AI is fairly predictable, in that for monsters it will play the highest card cost it can. So for 2 cards with equal cost, would it just play the one with the highest ATK?
  • Mainly for the early game, if the AI has a chance to destroy something via attribute, will it always go for it? For example, if Yugi has Flame Viper, and you have Jirai Gumo, would he always attack it 100% of the time? What if you had a weaker monster, something like Leghul instead?
  • It's clear that the AI likes to wait to use some of the stronger cards in game, such as Dark Hole, Raigeki, Crush Card, Swords, and a few others. I think for Yugi particularly, if he opens Dark Hole, he sometimes likes to wait until you have 3 monsters on the field to use it. I think for everyone else, they will use those cards when they cannot destroy your monsters by battle, run into your trap cards, or can't summon for the turn. And of course, there's always topdecking an out, but I'm sure there's a little more to it.

There's a bunch more I could say, but these were the issues I've thought about the most, and would have no idea how to really find out myself without testing for hours and hours lol. If possible, this can be turned into a general info dump on RNG and AI; I don't think there's many other good resources for this game outside of this site and maybe a couple GameFAQ's faqs. Thanks for any info you guys can offer :)

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