GermanyVultus2 years ago

I cant get the Auto Hotkey thing to work. I downloaded the Programm and the Script from the Resources Tab.

If i do some settings like in the Video i just keep getting Error Messages when i want to start the Rebind.ahk File

Here is what i get: https://i.imgur.com/nmIe2Bz.png I get another 2 messages after that and it says it "resets" to default settings (it doesn't really do anything).

The Rebind.ahk wont start unless i remove the checkmarks from Animation Cancel and WSC. In Stardew it wont do anything (Only cand do the normal chopping etc.), so i just assume the program doesnt work because the checkmarks are unset.

No matter which Key i set, what's wrong?

The 2nd File from Blackheartwings completly wrecks my PC. The file dissapears when i execute it, my browser crashes and my Left Mouse Button does only bullshit, so i have to reboot.

GermanyVultus2 years ago

I would be fine with not allowing any kind of boosts or minigameskips for a "standard any%", however, i dont get why you would split boosts and mini game skips (and possible even more), just pack all the "assist" runs into one category, otherwise there is a ton of split runs and a dozen of empty categories for pretty much no reason except small differences.

Imo it should just be Any% standard and Any% unrestricted

Yogidamonk to się podoba
GermanyVultus2 years ago

I don't know, nobody is doing any runs with the new category. I might ask people if they still care about it.

Maybe we go back to old rules because who cares anyway.

If you want do some runs, just go for it.

GermanyVultus2 years ago

If you are not in the Mystic Quest discord, please read the following:

Recently there was a Romhack realeased to eliminate any RNG in regards of Pazuzu. On that Romhack he will always appear on Floor 6. Unfortunately, this romhack got "silently" released and distributed over the last few days and there is only a very limited way to distinguish the Romhack from any original Version of the game. The Romhack will be allowed for Speedrunning, however, they will be added under a new category which will be created in the next few days. We have to introduce some new rules about Speedrunning the game for the future to limit the potential of cheating. *

These rules we worked on over the last couple days will become effective (See below):

Romhack Runs aka "Floor 6 Runs": Just submit your run correctly in the corresponding category, no further actions are needed. All runs will be tagged as "Emulator" (Maybe "Hack") depens on what options Speedrun.com gives me here when creating the new category.

Vanilla/original runs: You have to proof your unaltered Game, you can do that after your run is finished (Reset the game, load a Savefile in Pazuzu's Tower and show he is not on Floor 6 [and Floor 5] after you talked to him once beforehand). *

  • A final conclusion how to handle the proof will be concluded tomorrow or the next few days after i got a glance on the romhack by myself.

Unfortunately the additional measurements are a necessary burden for Vanilla/Original runs. No further Romhacking to lessen other RNG values will be allowed in the future. This will be the only exception for altered runs because of the abysmal Pazuzu RNG.

TL;DR: Tomorrow we will add a new category on Speedrun.com for the recently released romhack

ipsTee, Dancarnate i 2 inne podobało się to
GermanyVultus2 years ago

added the document to the guide tab, so we have the Video and the document there now.

GermanyVultus3 years ago

Not really working on this since i have limited knowledge about reading Memory out of a Game.

Pretty much need help for further improvements.

GermanyVultus3 years ago

Yeah that's a thing that needs to be tested.

Nobody (At least i dont) know when Pazuzu's "Loop" begins. Could be at the Start of the game or as soon as you enter the Tower, maybe its also only dependend on his Sprite animation (Wingflap) in the Dungeon Map.

I probably going to test next if a Save+Reset gives you identical/similar results or if it is random.

GermanyVultus3 years ago

Hey there, i started with a little research and looked a bit deeper into the behavior of our beloved Friend Pazuzu.

I share my results here and maybe you can work with that (Since i am not an expert in TAS'ing or anything like that)

Anyway, here is what i have done today:

I was talking to him on Floor 3, Floor 1 and Floor 7 multiple times and writing down the results. Here is what i got: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZVHDlbF7vGzlRWXSpfnzClrSxXy1-hnI/view?usp=sharing I guess the Sheet is understandable, basically top rows: Which floor i talked to Pazuzu. The left column indicates where he went afterwards.

Example: I talked to him on Floor 3 and he showed up on Floor 1 FOUR times, which is in my sample 13,33% (4 times out of 30 times talking to him). I wanted to do 100 or more per Floor, but i got a little distracted ;)

Furthermore i figured out a couple more things during this.

If you talk to him on Floor 7, he NEVER goes to floor 6, so don't you ever talk to him on Floor 7! I finally figured out how Pazuzu works (Maybe that was known already no idea).

He basically loops from Floor 1 to Floor 6 and advances every single Frame, but this is only true at a certain point when you talk to him. Obviously he skips the Floor you are on, so let me give you an example for understandings:

You talk to him on Floor 3, the loop begins on Floor 1 Frame 1 - Floor 1 Frame 2 - Floor 2 Frame 3 - Floor 4 Frame 4 - Floor 5 Frame 5 - Floor 6 Frame 6 - Floor 1 .... (I guess you got it)

The problem is, you don't know where you start in the Loop, so it is possible to start like my example mentioned above (Frame 1 - Floor 1) Or like this, for example: Frame 1 - Floor 4

Unfortunately its even a little more complicated, since he "switches" between the Floors at the beginning when you approach Pazuzu and start talking to him. The Loop only begins as soon as the Textbox is fully shown. And as i mentioned, you never know where you are in the loop.

Here is a small visual example:

Maybe you can use any of that for further investigations!

ShuriBear to się podoba
GermanyVultus3 years ago
  1. In general its the Frame you talk to him. Not sure when the "timer" starts where it rolls for his decision. Might be as soon as you start with a new Savefile but not confirmed (I Think). Could also be when you enter Pazuzus Tower. If i remember correctly it stops as soon as you start the first Textbox talking to him, thats the moment when the floor is chosen for him.
  2. Not much i think, i tested a little bit. What i found out: The Frame you talk to Pazuzu matters, but they dont have a specific order on which floor he will be after you talk to him (It doesnt repeat in a pattern).

For better understandings, its something like this: Frame 1: Floor 4 Frame 2: Floor 2 Frame 3: Floor 4 Frame 4: Floor 6 Frame 5: Floor 1 Yata yata, you know what i mean i guess.

  1. If you talk to him on Floor 7 he seems he never goes to Floor 6 afterwards, and (For me) it seems he has a higher chance to appear on Floor 6 if you talk to him on Floor 1 (Compared to talking to him on Floor 3) => Needs testing (see below)

  2. The only way to increase your chance (for now) to have him on Floor 6 is not to talk to him on Floor 7. Talk Floor 1 = He can go to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Talk Floor 3 = He can go to 1, 2, 4, 5 ,6 Talk Floor 7 = He can go to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 This is only true if he really has uniformly distributed (same chance for every floor) but this would need more testing (see below)

What could we do?

Well someone would need to make a savefile before you talk to Pazuzu, do the talking and then check the floor he goes to. Repeat that for at least 100-200 Frames (So basically 100-200 times) and write down where he goes. Do this for Floor 1, 3 and 7 to see if he has a bias for specific floors. This would be a basic first start to find out more about his patterns about chosing a Floor.

It doesn't look like it would be possible to manipulate the Floor in real time, atleast what i found out so far.

GermanyVultus4 years ago

We are currently discussing about this situation and we will probably make a new Category for the Japanese Times.

Japanese times we will most likely be "Power on - The end".

In the next few days we will clear out the situation

wątek: Speedrunning
GermanyVultus5 years ago

RollerCoaster Tycoon is probably the worst game ever to speedrun. At least if you try to beat it how it is intended to be.

It's literally impossible to Speedrun since the Goals are bound to the ingame time (Mostly 3 Years which is about 2hours 30 Minutes). Most of the time you can finish the Park-Goals in the first Year so you would sit around for another 2 Hours doing nothing. The basic game has about 30 Parks, so you would have to do 200+ Hours of "gameplay" and your only time improvement would come from navigating fast through the menus to select the Parks.

Imaproshaman to się podoba
GermanyVultus5 years ago

The US version was the first release and Japanese Version 2nd. So because of that a couple glitches in the J-Version got fixed. (The Undead Glitch mostly)

The Life Spell got fixed, means you cant kill Non-Undead enemies anymore with the Life Spell.

  • No Instant Kill on Minotaur
  • Instant Kill on Flamerous Rex works (And is actually faster)
  • You cant Kill Manticores in Pazuzus tower with Life => This is the worst part about this, because these enemies are terrible to Kill otherwise

Also for whatever reason you gain less exp in the Japanese Version, so you mostly will fight bosses 1 or 2 Levels lower (Mostly only notable during Snow Crab because that dude oneshots you if you're not Level 8 )

Since you have instant Text anyways, you dont get any benefits for faster text in the Japanese Version.

MsGlacie i Redslash podobało się to
GermanyVultus5 years ago

Nice to know

Thank you for the quick response!

GermanyVultus5 years ago

Hey there.

So i dont have access to the Japanese version.

I have a Tingle Tuner though

Are there major differences (Except Text) in versions, so like fixed glitches or anything over the versions? Some Japanese exclusive glitches or nothing?

Thanks ya all

GermanyVultus6 years ago

Spikey Tiger has 2 Spell attacks. Fire Bouquet and Flame Breath

Fire Bouquet is a normal damage spell + inflicts attack down Fire Breath is a weak damage spell + inflicts burning

So what you may have seen is someone getting hit by Flame Breath twice and then ticking down because of the burning effect to 1 HP.

GermanyVultus8 years ago

I did a Chronoscepter% Run.

Here is the Highlight.

No Idea if you want to add this as a new category.

ROMaster2 to się podoba
wątek: The Site
GermanyVultus8 years ago

Hello there.

I would like to be a Moderator on Final Fantasy Mystic Quest ( http://www.speedrun.com/ffmq ) and Secret of Evermore ( http://www.speedrun.com/Secret_of_Evermore )

Mystic Quest only has one Moderator, for Evermore i would like to add some explanations about the categories that are run in the game.

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
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