every time i reset the timer goes back to 0.00 even though i changed it in the settings, i've heard a lot of people had this issue but i cant find a fix. i use the autosplitter addon and vault save.
why is it not allowed to run the game using the modpack? its got the timer and splits built in which is really handy and if you just show that youre playing on glitchless% there's no real reason to disqualify such a run. are there any gameplay differences between the modpack and base game that im not aware of?
please verifuaction my zajebany w dupe speedrun pacanie śmierdzący
is there a reset hotkey? i see runners reset by just pressing a button but i cant find any info about it
so i recently updated to the newest version of goldsrc package, dumped all my configs in there and everything seems fine except that the centerview command does nothing, what's up with that? was it banned or removed? its still there when i type in center in the console but it does nothing.
hey, quick question, is there a way to keep track of your records on individual maps and having the demos automatically save? or do i have to type in "record x" every time i restart and write down my record on a piece of paper?
do you think thats a viable setup for beginners who have hard time with the edgebug? https://gyazo.com/e3cca0f17fa29563ba6a81b1cc925f5f
hey, im currently transitioning to scriptless and ive just been wondering if aliases are allowed, it says they are on the whitelist, but would something like would be or or is that a script
alias +4fps "fps_max 4" alias -4fps "fps_max 99.5"
and what about the same alias just made to rebind a key while pressed. thankss.
when i started running the game about 2 years ago, i decided to run scripted cause im a lazy fuck, and figured out that if i dont need to scroll, i can bind something to my scroll wheel, i played around with flashlight and duck cause it seemed fun to spam, then i tried +use, forgot about it, and kept running the game, turns out that having +use on your scroll wheel makes it extremely easy to object boost, and control the speed of your boost with just a little practise... so yeah... does anyone else use it or is it like a known thing and im just retarded cause i did 3 seconds of research and found nothing about using scroll for obbo
how do you guys go about removing old demos after reseting the run? do you have to remove them manualy from the game files every time you wanna start over? or do they swap with the old demos or some shit?