Moray, ScotlandTreya1 year ago

I'm not a fan of verifying my own runs and like to have a backup in the case of something happening to me. At the scene is in its infancy, I'm not concerned about entrants being super skilled. But there are things I'm looking for;

  1. Fairly familiar with the game, ideally also a speedrunner

  2. Transparent about discussing board issues, and what can be improved.

  3. Have an eye for spotting errors!!

  4. Can pick up on signs of cheated runs (audio jumps from splicing, questionable running speed etc).

  5. Frequent speedrun.com around at least once a week.

  6. Actually checks the submission video. You don't need to fully watch trusted runners but at least check the time is correct. Millisecond errors are common.

Bonus, but not required:

Some experience with moderating other games.

An eye for aesthetics, has made speedrun.com layouts/logos before.

Deadline will be the 10th of November. I'll extend if necessary. Apply via this thread or DM (discord or this website is fine)

Moray, ScotlandTreya2 years ago

Please submit under Lilac, as this boss plays the same universally and involves less clicking for viewers.

I'd stick this in the rules, but it doesn't show in the boards when I edited them. And I'd narrow it to one subcategory if the board engine let me.

Moray, ScotlandTreya2 years ago

Say, you have an individual level and category, and each category is for each character.

But there's a problem: Not all characters can pass that level, or they play the exact same in this particular level, so you end up with unnecessary clutter of empty categories. This also can happen with fullgame side categories, but it's usually with individual levels.

Presenting: The Category exceptions!

For categories: Click on categories, then the 3 dots next to a level, or fullgame category. There would be a checkbox called "Add exception(s)". Check this box, and a drop-down window will appear for which category you don't want to show on the boards at all. A new button will appear for "Add another exception" and so on.

For variables: Click on the three dots next to a variable, click the "Add exceptions(s)" box. You get an empty space of what variables to type in to exempt. Each variable must have the correct spelling along separated by a comma. If you knock out every variable, the boards will still show times (see exempt all variable options below). If you enter something incorrectly spelled, you will get a "[Variable] not found" warning. Doing either of these options nulls out exempting all variables.

**How you'd exempt all variables! ** This is the case where an individual level plays the exact same with every character, so no distinction needs to be made. You'd go into categories, individual levels, click the 3 dots and hit a checkbox to exempt all variables. This will bring all runs from every category of this single IL all into one - along removing the character label. Doing this option nulls out individual exceptions, of course. For variables, you may need to be more specific.

If you try to exempt values with existing run entries, a big warning should appear (as I'm sure someone will slip their finger at one point), but it'll be reversable regardless.

I've wanted these features for many, many years. It's the last step to making the leaderboards feel professional for multicharacter speedgames (if we don't count point/total ranking systems, which is a bonus thing to me tbh).

There might be some logical holes (or unnecessary complication) in this suggestion. If so, please let me know.

Jubilee, jackzfiml i 5 inne podobało się to
Moray, ScotlandTreya2 years ago

Figure I'd post them here cuz why not. Some mechanics have been tweaked/added since then, but the latest demo serves a nice starting point for routing the retail release of Dragon Valley.

1.0.7 (layout same to retail release, but missing visuals) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/149EC-8YEtHuzj27jQe-OtUK0hAIPhSOPI448LaNw4ok to 1.0.4 (old layout) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hUPkBo2MgyFHmTTutVgKwHapS2FRXt4e99EJssx1Pmc

Moray, ScotlandTreya2 years ago

Did you know there's a group just for the Switch version? You can join here. https://discord.gg/J68zFCjXEw

You don't have to be a Switch player, though. Spectators are welcome too.

Bobbykaze i shovelclaws podobało się to
Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

If anyone is wondering what happened to categories episodes 1, 2 and 3 - I found they were too segmented from the fullgame itself to be worth considering as main categories. You can still find them in the misc. tab, untouched.

I will probably also move New Rules of the game% as an individual level, since I just realized the new rules essentially work as one. The rules and records will remain the same.

Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

Hey, not a runner of this game myself, though I figured someone here might have the answer, that might actually be helpful if I decide to run the game. Does anyone run Bleed in windowed mode?

As a single screen-haver, I've always wanted to stream the game windowed but be able to move the screen and still interact with chat on the same PC (I don't like using my phone for it).

I've tried DXwnd, but it locks me inside the window completely. So, any way to get around this?

tuff_lover to się podoba
Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

Join hereino


There's a general side, with some channels purely dedicated for speedrunning. As a very small community, I'm OK having them merged together. I feel like some of the casual audience may be interested in watching runs, but I won't let them mess with the speed game rules and regulations.

to się podoba
Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

So, I overlooked that runs require the default settings, and I've been playing with the easiest settings the entire time. Oops.

That would make all my runs invalid. However, is it really necessary to ban different settings? Lots of leaderboards I see just split easier modes into separate categories, or stick parameters onto them.

Moray, ScotlandTreya4 years ago

Hey, I really like making leaderboard layouts, and have made many well-received ones before. (check Freedom Planet, Jazz Jackrabbit 2 and Grapple Force Rena for examples).

Anyways, my idea is to make the background ripped assets from the menu. The dev has kindly provided these, I just added working transparency for the one in-front.

BACKGROUND: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385882944222527498/696561126082740264/unknown.png

Click advanced, set background to center and repeat to both. Check enable foreground.

FOREGROUND: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385882944222527498/696563833585664090/bg_transparent.png

Click advanced, add movement speed, set to slow. Foreground position set to center. Tiling must be set to both.

As for layout colours. Maybe the text can be a pale whitish-blue, akin to the title text? I'll leave it at that for now.

to się podoba
Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

No real requirements asides from no actual cheats.

Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

I know there is a thread, but this post is pretty big and I'd rather it not get buried among them. So, here are a list of options, that can even be mixed in some cases;

Option A: Bring layout mods, with new background options that help reduce clashing. Yep, just moderators who do nothing but moderate layouts, logos and themes. Every background that would get submitted would have to be verified by them. If the submitter is found to be consistently good at it, they no longer need to be verified. They would also have the power to edit layouts of all games in the case of color-scheme disasters, and those who apply would need a portfolio or history of making good layouts. I am 100% willing to do this.

Additional options to edit backgrounds that reduce distractiveness can be added, such as dimming, desaturating, basic hue filtering and lowering contrast - with a level to apply them. This helps a lot against clashing. Backgrounds can be previewed before submission. GIFs wouldn't work with this, but they're such an outdated format that little editors used anyway (I'd rather it be applied to the image because applying it on the page could be draining on the CPU, especially mobile users).

Option B: Make banners more customisable and provide guidelines, and provide different customisation versions for light and dark layouts -OR- Make dark/light layout surroundings automatically adjust in accordance. That way we should be able to have some more layout editing options back.

Banner customisability options such as tile instead of upscale would be so much better for pixelart. At the moment it gives you an ugly blurry mass.

Have banner guidelines so I know what should look the best and instead of a very cropped/distorted image.

Option B is not my favourite, but it seems far more likely to go through.

Zanum i Forginal podobało się to
Moray, ScotlandTreya5 years ago

They're a bit outdated now, but still worth a watch. Hoping they get updated soon.

Moray, ScotlandTreya6 years ago

I finally made one!


Rule discussions, general chat, game chat, strat clips and PBs can be posted within this group.

faeryambi to się podoba
Moray, ScotlandTreya7 years ago

Post TAS speedruns here. They must be the full game or a full level, in video form.

Moray, ScotlandTreya8 years ago

Be considered a misc category, separate main category, or a separate game altogether?

Note that the xmas episode came out as two games, Holiday Hare 98 and Christmas Chronicles 99. The only gameplay "difference" (more like addition) between these two is that '99 has Lori, and '98 does not.

I vote it as being a misc or separate main category (as Xmas (character) Any%). It's only 3 levels long anyway.

Moray, ScotlandTreya8 years ago

And I have an everlasting invite link: https://discord.gg/q9JYRps

It is a general JJR group, but there's a channel section dedicated to speedrunning. I did this because I don't think the community size is big/active enough to suffice separate groups.

Posting here too because it covers all Jazz titles.

Moray, ScotlandTreya8 years ago

And I have an everlasting invite link: https://discord.gg/q9JYRps

It is a general JJR group, but there's a channel section dedicated to speedrunning. I did this because I don't think the community size is big/active enough to suffice separate groups.

O Treya
Combat platformer junkie, enthusiast of the fast-paced kind. "Not-Sonic" specialist???
9 years ago
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