Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay10 months ago

I believe this was discussed in the past in our discord server. I believe it was found there are some physics differences so we decided to not allow it.

Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay7 years ago

I don't get on speedrun.com much and I hopped on to look at this. Seems like a few people have picked up the game. I might get into it at some point when I have time. Anyway in the any% uses cheats are we referring to the thing where you clip out of bounds? If that is the case it should probably be called any% and any% glitchless... Once again haven't really followed what has happened with this game recently.

Edit: it seems glitches have also gotten kinda crazy

Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay7 years ago

i know i have been super inactive on here and that is my fault, i kinda assumed this was dead. I know there is only a few of us but should i make a discord for discussing stuff quickly if needed?

wątek: Fable III
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

would it be faster to run with a digital or physical copy and on xbox one or xbox 360 because i can do any of those

wątek: Fable III
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

this seems like it would be fun to run, i might have to give it a try at some point

Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

What about one for doing all 4 levels as one run, that is what i wanted

Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

So i want to speedrun the black ops 3 freerun mode but it isnt a category on the page and i can see it being a really fun run to do. Can you add it or add me as moderator so i can watch over it

wątek: Speedrunning
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

um sorry for the late reply but yeah im about to verify your run i will add the PC category and change it for you

wątek: Speedrunning
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

so i moderate a game i have been wanting to, but i need runners. if you have a wii u and like a fun but challenging platformer you should give it a try. it is $4.99 and on quite a few consoles. here is the page for it if yoou are interested. (sorry if this is the wrong place to post this)


wątek: The Site
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

i submitted a game a few days ago and entered categories and ILs but the ILs ar not showing up. i want to submit an IL run but i cant. this is the game www.speedrun.com/kfr

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

for some reason i cant find the button to access the individual level leaderboard on my game page www.speedrun.com/flatoutho

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

also how did you know which game i was talking about

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

ok yeah that would probably be it trollbear

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

yeah but it took weeks and im pretty sure it is the on ly game in the series but im not sure about that.

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

OK so i requested a game a few weeks ago and have been checking on it, and i noticed today that for some reason there is 2 extra moderators on the game page, but not only that they are super moderators. why did this happen. also i checked my other page and i'm still the only one there. it is weird because i didn't add extra moderators.

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USATheretrogamerbay9 years ago

What is going on here i hot 11th but my page is trying to say 13th. Like seriously, does anybody know what is going on or has this happened to anyone else.

O Theretrogamerbay
9 years ago
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