It should be 867ms, not 838. They gave me a slightly faster time than i got.
Also, can you define the requirements for Max Waves better? Is there a top wave you can reach? If not, & the max wave gets converted to time somehow, please explain that better.
This page could do with a bit of tidying up. The rules section is a bit dodgy.
So after running the math, the 'Capture 10K Blocks' top 3 scores are essentially fully optimized. To get a perfect score you need to turn somewhere between every 17 & 18 seconds, which totals 1m 8s-1m 12s. All of the top three fall in this range. Congratulations!
So is attaining a certain score in a game as quickly as possible, a speedrun category I've seen in NUMEROUS games here.
Why do some games get approved (,, etc) but very similar games (Little Big Snake) get denied for being 'endless, with arbitrary goals'? The majority of speed run categories are arbitrarily set to begin with.
Considering how little time it takes to get 7 tiles, I think having higher # tile categories would be good.
@Bomb Nothing wrong with it. The OP may not be looking any more, but other people always will be.
It would also be cool if there were a 'time to an X star system' category; where X was 10, or if we really wanted to go ham, the full 40.
That's what this game is, & I hope that it get's more attention. I'm certainly late to the party, but I'm gunning for that WR.