NorwaySkyreon3 months ago

It works on all releases. Some of the listed PS4 runs have been performed on PS5; they're simply listed as PS4 as the PS5 runs in backwards compatibility mode as PS4 when playing Bunker and other Amnesia games.

flowzzzer to się podoba
NorwaySkyreon1 year ago

Yes, for platform you can submit PS5 runs as 'PlayStation 4' as it will run in backwards compatibility mode for PS4.

GrimmLich to się podoba
NorwaySkyreon1 year ago

[quote=ImLazy64]The time starts right when you see the message "You are now on your own learn, adapt, expriment and survive"[/quote]

Incorrect. The timer starts approximately 4.2 seconds prior to that message appearing, like I stated above. Again, please make use of the automatic start/stop feature in LiveSplit that our lovely PrototypeAlpha and Sychotix have developed for the community so that this process is as seamless as possible for runners and verifiers alike.

Vlad2D to się podoba
NorwaySkyreon1 year ago

Correct, timing starts once the lantern flashes in the corner of the screen after the initial load. Timing stops once you push away the rocks to escape the bunker. Using LiveSplit's autosplitter this will all be automatic.

jkdrama i Chaooast podobało się to
NorwaySkyreon1 year ago

If you'd like to connect with other runners this is the place to be!


Windward6 to się podoba
NorwaySkyreon1 year ago

Either by typing discord.gg/tp into a browser or clicking the Discord icon on this page. Image

ZeldaPirate to się podoba
wątek: SOMA
NorwaySkyreon2 years ago


kodiki to się podoba
NorwaySkyreon2 years ago

Not having access to a capture card is okay. As long as you can manage to set up a phone/webcam pointing at the screen, and it's possible to see things like rupee count clearly enough, then that's OK.

NorwaySkyreon2 years ago


There are 2 console runs for TDD, and 4 for Justine on the leaderboards. There are indeed hurdles. For this game, the fastest PC route sort of works with some alternate strats. Some stuff have been patched, some stuff works, and some clips are console-only. It's a very interesting experience to say the least.

I have a playlist documenting all of the changes between PC and console releases, using the Switch version. (All console releases are based off of PC's 1.2 version.)

Furthermore, apart from the limited control scheme, console runs suffer from inconsistent slippery physics activation. You can read more about it on the Amnesia speedrunning wiki.

We shout out whenever there's a sale (about every other month), so you're able to get the PC Steam release for just $2, or the Epic Games Store version (which is also perfectly fine for PC platform speedrunning) occasionally for free.

NorwaySkyreon2 years ago

No, only official mediums are accepted for leaderboard submission.

NorwaySkyreon2 years ago

[quote=TheDough_Nut]Is Autosplit required to run this game or just recommended? Playing on console and it isnt available to me[/quote]

Autosplit is just a feature within LiveSplit's Amnesia ASL that automatically splits for you, giving runners a nice quality of life improvement. Back when I started running, this feature wasn't available, so we just had to manually hit the split key. Manually splitting is still easy to do, just a bit annoying. I think your question was referring to the load remover though, not autosplitting.

LiveSplit's load remover is only required for tracking time without loads, and since console runs use time with loads, it's not necessary, no.

We accept runs on any platform but if you want to stay competitive it's highly recommended to get the game on Linux or Windows. Right now, and I believe this offers ends tomorrow, there is a huge Steam sale for all Frictional Game titles due to Halloween. Amnesia: The Dark Descent is 90% off, at ~1.65 USD. It's the cheapest the game's ever been on Steam. If you're curious about the differences in glitches and routes between PC and console, I have a documented playlist on my YouTube here.

NorwaySkyreon3 years ago

No. Same goes for having two setups. Two game discs, two consoles, two capture cards. Even if proof could be provided you must perform the run on the same console and disc you started the run with. This debate came up a few years ago about setting EBF on another setup during the Master Sword cutscene and the like.

An_D to się podoba
NorwaySkyreon3 years ago

The reason why NeoGamma is allowed to run the disc is because it boots in GameCube mode. Other apps like Nintendont boot in Wii mode, giving you an edge with faster loads. I'm not sure if Gecko boots in GameCube mode or not.

NorwaySkyreon3 years ago

There's a lot to unpack. I suggest reading the text channel #any in the channel category 'Shield' in the TP Discord server. The TL;DR is that load times are ridiculously fast. Some stuff is not possible, like BiT and Map Glitch, but the fast loads still go hard in most categories.

Jhynjhiruu to się podoba
NorwaySkyreon3 years ago

I recommend watching this video (4:07).

Like The_Guy_Downstairs mentioned, the key thing is resetting the game before the cutscene gets to play for more than a few seconds, and then immediately skipping the cutscene. If you pay close attention to the WR you'll see that Kejs begins a softreset, then mashes Start to skip the approach cutscene. I suggest hitting the reset button on your console instead of using the softreset combo (X + Start +B) as it makes it a little easier.

NorwaySkyreon3 years ago

Hi, loohhoo!

I'm glad to hear you've taken an interest in 100%. I'm not sure if you've read the 100% discussions in the Discord server or not, but there's a lot more information there than on SRC. You're welcome to join! Though I'll assume you read my forum post here on SRC, so I won't be going over any of the points I've already covered in that thread.

[quote=loohhoo]So the idea that you have no way to track your progress didn't seem like a good reason to not get every item and shouldn't be called 100%, but this is my opinion.[/quote]

There are four issues with an 'All Items' run, or adding items such as tinderboxes and oil canisters into a 100% definition:

  1. In order to verify the run by the means you proposed, the runner mustn't use any throughout the entire run, otherwise it invalidates the run. This unfortunately makes the run overall slower as you take fall damage on purpose to save time in certain maps.

  2. There are items that are unobtainable, like a tinderbox in Orb Chamber. Nos and Tera go over how to obtain the last two oil canisters in Orb Chamber, and it's so difficult to pull off that it's classified as a segmented-only strat. This would mean that you'd have an inconsistent run-ending trick at the very end, costing nearly 2 minutes each failed attempt. (More info in the server by searching for messages with "100%" in them.)

  3. A run which requires all items would conflict with the Agrippa ending-requirement, since it plays a different outro scene, thus rendering the last tinderboxes and oil canisters unobtainable (apart from the already-unobtainable tinderbox).

  4. The end timing point has to be altered to something like the first frame of credits roll, since you would finish at 99% completion rate after pushing the last pylon.

It's a shame you're unable to open the inventory after putting Agrippa's head through the portal, considering it works if you do the revenge ending... Loading up the Orb Chamber save after credits sounds like the best way to verify the items indeed.

Hopefully I managed to explain the thought process of how Ivy and I landed on the "all permanent items" definition. To me, 'All Items' in a game like this is not much different from grabbing all Rare Candy, X Speed, Full Restore etc. from various pokéballs around the world of a PKMN game, hehe.

I invite you to take a look at something Cakeri and I brewed up earlier this year; the All Notes run. It doesn't wrestle with the annoyance of defining a 100%/All Items category when Frictional placed certain items in obscure locations, hehe. You can view the google doc here.

I hope to see you in #the-dark-descent!

P.S. We do watch all runs from start to finish ;)

NorwaySkyreon3 years ago

If you'd like to connect with other runners this is the place to be!


andyrockin123 to się podoba
NorwaySkyreon4 years ago

Feel free to submit the runs to the Any% Glitchless leaderboard. The name just means "beat the game without glitches", not specifically "beat the game without glitches while skipping as much as possible". You can submit a 10 hour "pick-up-every-tinderbox-and-save-all-prisoners" run to that board and it will still qualify hehe :).

NorwaySkyreon4 years ago

Hi, thecakepirate :).

We have a couple of guidelines for adding new categories to the board. First and foremost, the category must be unique from other already-existing categories, otherwise we could quickly face a very cluttered board full of near-identical categories. Secondly, the new category must be at least as popular as some of the existing categories. In that regard we're looking for at least 5 runners. To boost interest in your new category it could be a good idea to encourage discussion in the Discord server, or stream attempts for the community to see.

In your case there are a few issues. Firstly, one could argue that the name is a bit misleading, as 'Any%' refers to any percentage of game completion, whereas 'Save Everyone' inclines there is at least one requirement needed, upping the percentage of how much of the game's been completed. A Save Everyone-run would essentially cover more of what the game offers, meaning at least a fixated percentage greater than Any% runs. Unfortunately 100% definitions are quite tough to define in a story game like Amnesia, where there's no clear 100% indicator and where you lose inventory items as you progress through the game. The name 'Save Everyone (Glitchless)' would be more suitable in your case.

Secondly, ploughing through the game as fast as possible while saving the three prisoners is near-identical to the Any% Glitchless run. The only difference is a slight time loss as you stack boxes in Cells, grab an additional picture frame in Library and spin a wheel in Dungeon. In other words, the exploration factor is too slim.

Lastly I'd like to mention that speedruns don't need a dedicated leaderboard to be performed. Most players run for the sheer enjoyment of it, to beat their own time, and don't care much for a competitive leaderboard.

From what I can tell the Extra Life marathon seems like a great charity event. I wish you all the best in the participation!

thecakepirate to się podoba
NorwaySkyreon4 years ago

Interesting. Thanks for updating the post!

O Skyreon
9 years ago
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