I already have explain why i break the hard block and don't need to explain "I pressed to fast the buttons". But acctualy, my other runs (in Mr. Driller GBC and Mr. Driller G) i played in the same way and with the same controller (But in other emulators), now i have to do this?
but how i do that you do with the controller in the screen?
I do that run, but the moderator don't accepted saying that i using turbo controller. He say my run at 0:49 became suspicious, but i was trying to get the oxygen capsule, but i realize that was a hard block, so i stopped.
Now, he want a capture of the controller i was using (even i said that i using a green Multilaser), but, of all the runs of the game, ANYONE EVEN HIM, captured the controller. Anywway, that's my arguments. Waiting for an answer.