wątek: The Site
FranceShyneur5 years ago

[center]Suggestion - Buttons to organize multiple videos[/center]

I wondered how you were supposed to post multiple video links and sources to your run submission, and turns out you just need to put some spacing between your links.

So I wondered : Can't we use some buttons to better manage the way multiple videos are displayed on a run page, instead of them stacking up ?

[center] So maybe something like a "Youtube/Twitch" switch [/center]


[center] or a "Pagination menu" for segmented runs [/center]


[/center]All of this for the sake of UI, lisibility and clean display.[/center]

What are your thoughts ?

Imaproshaman, Oxknifer i 8 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
FranceShyneur5 years ago

@Daravae Do you want me to just "Copypaste" it next to the others answers in that topic you linked ? Delete this topic or leave it for people to debate about it here ?

wątek: The Site
FranceShyneur5 years ago

Hey there,

I wondered how you were supposed to post multiple video links and sources to your run submission, and turns out you just need to put some spacing between your links.

So I wondered : Can't we use some buttons to better manage the way multiple videos are displayed on a run page, instead of them stacking up?

So maybe something like a "Youtube/Twitch" switch


or a "Pagination menu" for segmented run


All of this for the sake of UI, lisibility and clean display.

What are your thoughts?

Imaproshaman, dha, i Quivico podobało się to
FranceShyneur7 years ago

Thanks for your quick answer !

I may have miss something here but I'm not sure... Will try again from the beginning.

I'm currently using the steam version of the game, so It should be the last used, don't know where to check the version though, but I see that I got "aamfp" and "aamfp_NoSteam" in my folder, guess i still want to launch "aamfp" for the script to work. Idk I'm kinda lost.

And I put everything on "Game time" just to be sure that it would start at some point.

EDIT : Ok so I think that the issue is that I'm playing on a legit version of the game on Steam ? Should I be using the DRM-free version shared here for the splitter to work ? If that so I find it very counterintuitive but at least I think I figured out where was the problem coming from. Testing that out in a few minutes and coming back for results.

EDIT2 : Ok, it works fine now, thanks for pointing out that my version could not be the one the script was working on ! :)

FranceShyneur7 years ago

Hey, I was trying to start maybe running the game and I used the autosplitter script to help me out.

Problem is, the autosplitter won't start when a new game is launched, and i'm not even sure that the splitter is working properly... Any thought on what could be the issue ?

Every software used is in English, except my computer which is in french, may that be an issue for the script to find the good value in the RAM ?

Waiting for some help, thanks in advance !

O Shyneur
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