Chatting guys can you check my run?
@Fireheart3 0 lmao do you know how low the odds are
No point separating them. Nothing about the route is gonna change.
Does anybody actually read the rules before posting on here
@karli_kolumbus09 You can change the difficulty to whatever you like, including easy. (Not peaceful, though)
@Spotlessness lol that was a joke, i probably shoulda made that clearer
Piglin bartering was nerfed in 1.16.2.
In .1, there's a 4.7% chance of receiving a pearl trade, and in that trade you can get between 4 and 8 pearls. In .2, this is nerfed to like 2.5% (not too sure on the number) and you can only get between 2 and 4 pearls per trade.
We have decided to reject Wydox1's 35:18 in 1.16 RSG. It has been demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt to be illegitimate. We thoroughly investigated every possible reason for his extreme odds, including biased data and Minecraft glitches, and could not find any conceivable explanation. The chance that Wydox1 received his pearl barter and blaze rod luck is extreme enough that we can be sure this run was as illegitimate as any run we have ever rejected.
(sorry wydox i should've clarified this was a joke lmao)
@Saori I think that's kinda harsh. Minecraft is a pretty poorly optimized game, not everybody has the money to spend on a good PC just to play Minecraft. Doesn't make them worse runners or "babies".
A lot of people use OBS. Really easy to set up.