Yes, and down slopes i'm not sure. However, when you jump while on down slope you will have more horizontal speed then if you were to just run down it. (i think)
Yes, farewell and good luck on whatever you would like todo next! :)
You know how after you hit the axe after killing bowser, Mario immediately goes into a walking pace. Can't you save a couple of frames by hitting the back of the axe in order to stay at running speed as long as possible?
Ps: Sorry if this is wrong and I just wasted your time. :(
Sorry to bother you, but I recently got some NES controllers from various different sites, but they all ended up being garbage. I was wondering if someone could link me or maybe just tell me where to get an actually good quality NES controller.
Sorry to bother you, Shipwrecc
Deaths: 6545 Jumps: 137445 Playtime: 77 hours 29 minutes
And i also think that this is a cool idea. Btw i have no WR runs, but i am in top 5 in everything i have run.
What you do is you do everything perfectly, FPG as usual, but the underground section is a bit different. Instead of doing normally, you can hit the walljump pixel and jump off that instead of landing down on the ground.