Well I guess we're swapping to IGT because people are just submitting IGT without reading the rules and seeing that it says we're using RTA and aren't even trying to come in here to be like, Lets go IGT!
Right now I've set the timing method to RTA that continues until the fade to black. There is an IGT in the game however you can't check it at the end for an accurate time as checking the load just shows the IGT at the last autosave where you are hit on the head.
I am willing to change the timing method to IGT and only timing the run up until that point since really all that's left is waiting a minute for a fade to black that doesn't really have any gameplay in it. Then you'd be able to check the save at the end for your time. I figured I'd have both visible in my run and default to RTA because it's easier to stop counting the end section than it is to add it back in when it comes to future proofing and potentially invalidating runs. Basically I'm down to change it to however people prefer if other runners start running the game.
Sorry this took so long, Switch has been added.
Just wondering if there's any chance or desire from other runners of having other "full game" categories for the games as separate. I realize this remake is super weird in that it combined the two games into one but as someone from North America who grew up only with the first game and has speedrun just the first game I don't really have an interest in running the second game right now and just want to run Two Memories. (Maybe I'd eventually run Journey Into Lost Memories or Recollection as a whole but I don't really have the interest at the moment)
I was wondering if there was any chance of under Full Game Runs having
"Recollection" with the subcategories of Any% and 100% where you beat both games sequentially.
Two Memories with the subcategories of Any% and 100% were you beat the game and end time on the final dialogue before the ending cutscenes.
A Journey Into Lost Memories with the subcategories of Any% where you start from the loaded save you make after Two Memories and go until final input.
Any chance we can get the times not using the IGTimer re-timed to be on the same leaderboard? It feels weird being sectioned off to a second board when, when I did my run the visible WR didn't use the IGTimer, the timer didn't even work for me nor is there any access on the resources so if someone doesn't use livepslit they wont even know where to find it and the only forum on it was people saying the IGT isn't accurate and should be ignored and coming up with new start timings.
It looks like from looking at runs using it that it's not really an IGTimer but more of a load remover and if the runs could be re-timed from the frame a load is entered to when it ends it should be possible to re-time all the runs.
It's also possible to just set IGT as the standard but have all the runs on the same board but those without IGT will default to the bottom of the board but still all be on the same board and allow people to toggle between IGT and RTA by clicking on "IGT" or "Time" so if people want to see where those RTA runs without IGT timers might stand they can. Having two separate boards for this feels a bit overkill.
Hi, I own the game on Xbox and just thought I'd give the heads up that the game doesn't actually seem playable on 360.
It shows up and is read as Catwoman by the 360 but when you try to run it you get a not supported error message.
Double check what your monitor refresh rate is. I've noticed that steam often caps games fps to your max refresh rate.
Found a wrong warp by accident, sadly doesn't seem useful. If can be replicated at other doors might find one where it is. My best guess is the ones in Chapter 2 in the long hallway if they warp you down the hallway it might be worth to go for to save the time walking and potentially running into enemies.
JK this skip is outdated. Just found a way to skip all of Chapter 1. I'll be running this on the GDQ Speedruns From The Crypt Hotfix Wednesday Nov 9th and will debut it there then post a tutorial here.
So you might be able to somewhat consistently get lingered skip from right to left on PC by alt tabbing to buffer the frames
Hi, I noticed this game currently only has the NES version of the game for the leaderboards but I was wondering if the Gameboy Color version would be accepted or added, I realize it would probably be slower because you couldn't use the Any% JP route since there would be no second controller but I thought it would be interesting for an alternative GBC route especially if it ended up being a significantly different version.
I noticed the rules only say when to end time for the Traveller of Beyond Ending and not for the Conarionaut ending which is about 3 minutes faster as it skips the final puzzle and no one uses the Conarionaut ending in their runs. I'm submitting and running the Conarionaut ending since it is an official ending and faster and I'm just not sure if anyone knows about it since it's kinda poorly placed in the game and easy to miss. I'd maybe recommend creating a dupe of the boards and allowing Traveller of Beyond on Any% but also having a board specifically for that ending for posterity and anyone who specifically only wants to run that ending or splitting Conarionaut Any% and Traveller of Beyond Any% categories.
Some info for new runners, I didn't see it here and it took me a bit to figure out.
You want to run on Steam version or as these are the versions with "Silent Mode" which skips a few dialogue sections and saves a few sections. You do not want to run on the GOG version. I'm not sure why but GOG v1. seems to lose time and I'm not sure if it's on base movement speed or movement speed while tired or something but it just seems to lose time overall.
You need to delete saved between runs when you hit 100 saves. The game auto saves and does not save over itself creating approx 22-23 auto saves per run, once you hit 100 and max out you get an error at every auto save and there is a chance for the game to crash every time you get this error. For safety you can either delete the saves manually in game after every run or every 4 runs or so delete the saves in your files under %LOCALAPPDATA%\Conarium\Saved\SaveGames\
Hi there, well I realize due to loads and movement it would probably never be competitive but I did notice that there are now PS4, Xbox One(Not sure if this means SeriesX as well, I'm not sure what they're doing about digital backwards compatibility) and Switch releases of this game people might do runs on that aren't on the leaderboards.
Hey, I noticed that the rules for Directors cut say to use 60 FPS (Default) but it appears that that's not actually the default. The FPS cap seems to be tied to your monitor refresh rate and will cap at whatever your monitor's refresh is. This was really frustrating in testing to figure out why my game didn't default to 60FPS and made me think I'd need to figure out a third party frame cap alternative. Since it's not the game's default I don't know if we should be using 60FPS as the base going forward but at least for anyone with a higher monitor refresh rate your monitor will hopefully let you limit it in the windows/OS settings which will be a much easier fix than installing anything.
Hey, I started learning this game with the NTSC PS1 copy on PS2(If we could add PS2 and Backwards Compatible PS3 for consoles that would be awesome) and I noticed in both the Any% and Segmented Run in the first mission when you are fighting the waves in the junkyard you unlock the first door with the keycard then the barrier with the alien keycard and immediately go into a cutscene. I was wondering if there is a trick to triggering the cutscene immediately as on actual hardware I can only seem to trigger it by leaving the area and re-entering which is obviously much slower. If this is an emulation problem that might possibly indicate some serious emulation flaws in other points of the run as well.