wątek: Featherfall
Michigan, USASableDragonRook4 years ago

My run of AB and Any% are both NMG unless you count Maerlynn dying to gravity in AB cuz I accidentally smacked her out of the arena with the wand and then whip, lol. So that would be where the determination of gravity comes in as far as NMG.

wątek: Featherfall
Michigan, USASableDragonRook4 years ago

I think it would be good to add to NMG, especially if there's a NMG All Bosses, since "all bosses" would tend to imply "fight anything that has a health bar" and that doesn't happen with Aeren if he dies to gravity.

wątek: Featherfall
Michigan, USASableDragonRook4 years ago

Any thoughts on "skipping" bosses via making them fall off the map? For example, Aeren can be cheesed so that his big boy friend doesn't even appear. Would that count as a glitch in NMG?

wątek: Featherfall
Michigan, USASableDragonRook4 years ago

Wow, that's some amazing tech! xD I suspected that this was possible, but I hadn't had the time to test it yet. Nice to know it works!

wątek: The Site
Michigan, USASableDragonRook4 years ago

@Liv Sure! I also contacted them a while ago via the site's DM function; hopefully they respond to one of us! My message(s) were:

Hi Satsu! Nice to meet you! I'm the current 3rd place holder in The Last Guardian. I'm about 40 seconds from moving into 2nd place, and I'm a big advocate for this game -- I love it so much! 🙂 I've speedrun the game at a couple marathons, including GDQ, and I was wondering if I might be allowed to become a moderator on the TLG leaderboard? It looks like papertwo isn't active, and it might be more convenient for you if someone like me, who is very active in speedrunning Last Guardian, was around to help with things so you don't have to worry about it as much. What do you think?


wątek: The Site
Michigan, USASableDragonRook4 years ago

Hi! I'm a very active runner of The Last Guardian, and I've tried to contact the mods (in fact, I know Satsu is Japanese and I speak Japanese, so I wrote to him in both languages to make it easier for him), but no one is answering. I'm already on the leaderboards, so I'm chiming in per "If a game's moderators are highly inactive (have not logged on in three or more months) and not responding to off-site contact, and you have a run already on the boards, you may request moderation of the game without a pending run." I'd love to moderate this game to begin with just in general, but I'd also like to add a category, and both satsu and papertwo have been inactive for months (even on social media, let alone on here). Papertwo hasn't shown any activity in the game for years now. Could I mod up, please? Thanks so much! (Happy to copy/paste the Japanese/English contact here to show what I said if you need it!)

wątek: The Site
Michigan, USASableDragonRook5 years ago

@ShikenNuggets Thank you! I didn't know that it would dupe in the other rules. Thanks for clarifying!

wątek: The Site
Michigan, USASableDragonRook5 years ago

When I'm trying to add rules to the new categories on the leaderboard I'm making, it is populating text that is NOT in the Rules box. So for example, if I type "I like dogs" in the rules box, when I save it and view the category rules on the leaderboard, it'll either say "I like dogs, I like dogs" or "Why isn't this working, I like dogs," where "Why isn't this working" is something I typed 24 hours ago. Even if I completely delete a category, recreate it, and then put my rules into the box fresh, it still somehow gets all this extra or duplicate text. Help?

Michigan, USASableDragonRook6 years ago

That makes sense! So I'd imagine you'd just load into each world, move the save data to the USB, then rename it if it suits you, since the game probably autosaves as soon as you enter a world. I've never used a USB with a PS4 before!

Marsh_GL to się podoba
Michigan, USASableDragonRook6 years ago

Hey all! For those of you doing Any% or full runs, how do you practice each world? You get autosaved often, meaning once you collect gems, they're usually gone. I'm assuming you're using save states on your PS4? Or do you do it some other way?

wątek: Spyro
Michigan, USASableDragonRook6 years ago

Hey! Is Spyro Reignited not accepting individual level runs like the other game? I used to hold the record in other Spyros for individual levels and thought I'd try that here as well, but it's not an option. Is that temporary or permanent for this game?

O SableDragonRook
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