aktualności: Super Mario Galaxy
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

In hindsight, the new layout probably wasn't the worst part of the update

grnts, Gaming_64 i 2 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

I really think the most important update would be to add optional comment notifications. This is because

  1. Without comment notifications you cant hope to effectively moderate comments.

  2. What even is the point of comments if the runners themselves dont know people have put comments? If nobody else knows about/reads the comments then the only reason they would be used is to spam.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Helix i 7 inne podobało się to
wątek: Talk
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Ok I tried "I am a monkey" on a few AIs:

I am a monkey , and I have seen my shadow. I saw a snake, a great, red, black snake. "Red! Red! Black! - The color of my skin!

I am a monkey. That is what I am." I thought, "Okay. Fine. I feel as if I have done something right and I may not be aware that I am doing something right and this is not the time to blame everybody else because I know I am doing something right."

As for whether he wants to apologize publicly to anyone, as one of the most effective people he ever worked with, Gennifer Gifford is a real person. In her autobiography, "Hail To The Honeymoon," she describes Gennifer as "more in the mood for emotional support than a man." Though she did not say she planned to make the comments in question she seemed to want them put in context and the statement of fact she made was only one aspect of a larger statement being prepared.

Her comments that the internet could not be trusted with their critical analysis of any of Clinton's email allegations was more an attempt to point out the truth rather than to argue or challenge. Although she and Gennifer still feel free to disagree on most matters that the media might write about, at other times she appears to be doing what she is doing.

If Gennifer Gifford did not see any evidence that this email campaign or Clinton email practices were making her feel bad, then how can anyone think that she and her brother, Bill, were involved in any inappropriate conduct with anyone at all?

I am a monkey. But we need to get out of here. Please. We'll catch you in our tracks. You know we don't have to be like that. We can be like anything. There is nothing we can't do. We will come out of this together. And we won't stop until we do that.

"This is our victory. This is how we will win. This is what we want in this."

Gaming_64 to się podoba
wątek: The Site
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Comments. Expectation: Yo GG great run man, how did you do that skip in level 7?

Reality: SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM ##$$¢**& (and no way to moderate it)

YUMmy_Bacon5, Pear i 5 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Cheers 👍

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
wątek: The Site
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago


I was testing out some code designed to help mods blanket delete all comments from certain runs, so I tried it out on my own comments. However, that also banned me from commenting on my runs.

(Big faceplant energy coming from me right now)

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
wątek: The Site
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Wait I can't unblock myself because that option doesn't appear on your own profile XD

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
wątek: The Site
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago


(I may have accidentally blocked myself from commenting on my runs lol)

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
wątek: The Site
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Hi, I've noticed with the new comments that users can be added to a block list of people who can't comment on my runs.

Is it possible to edit this list and remove users from it, so that they can comment on my runs again?

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago
Ten komentarz został usunięty
przebieg: Odd Bot Out
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago
Ten komentarz został usunięty
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

(2DSS is the one right at the end when bowser jumps up outside the 2d section)

Pear to się podoba
wątek: Dadish
United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Also, is there any reason why only the full run category has a variable for switch/pc? Is that because it doesn't matter which platform you play it on for the other categories, or because the mods are part way through setting up those categories?

United KingdomMonkeytron2 years ago

Basically, I have a cable that's got an audio jack on both ends - like the plug you get on headphones. I plug one end of that into the headphone hole on my switch, and the other end into my computer.

Then do what An_D said with OBS/whatever recording software you use. (If your computer asks you what you plugged in, choose "line in".)

United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

I would just go on the safe side and use an audio jack from the headphones output on your switch. It is probably more likely to work than the capture card, and it gives you better audio quality too

Ocarinist_Drew to się podoba
United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

Yeah I have that problem too, not all capture cards do audio (or good quality audio).

What I do is I plug a headphone jack lead from the microphone slot on my controller into my computer and capture the sound that way.

Pear i Canonball_Run podobało się to
wątek: Dadish
United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

Ohh ok that makes sense

Fern11011 to się podoba
wątek: Dadish
United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

Looking through the leaderboards, I see that some of the leaderboards under the switch/pc category are completely empty - is this because these modes aren't applicable in that version or just because nobody has wanted to run them?

italian6th i Fern11011 podobało się to
United KingdomMonkeytron3 years ago

I won't don't worry

ely_ to się podoba
O Monkeytron
Maths nerd and mediocre speedrunner.
3 years ago
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