Found a couple more strats when I was practicing/routing 100% stuff.
Skips for Dirty Work and the Drill skip might be useful for Wii U version as well. Others are handy for remastered, since the way it's done on the Wii U doesn't work for that.
I'd be down, but again, Wednesday won't be possible for me, because of GTAIV being on
Found a pretty much consistent way to skip the plane in The Colossal Fossil Hustle Only tested on PC
I completed the game 100% not too long ago (though on PC). I believe there are enough Super Bricks to pay for all the builds. Of course this is best done by just collecting the necessary bricks in Story Mode, then all the other Super Bricks with the x2 multiplier, this of course would require timing and routing them. Shouldn't be a pain though since you have to go pretty much everywhere in 100%
I've been trying to think out the routing for 100% in this game myself for some months. It indeed seems to be impossible to skip cutscenes, even if you have 100% on all files. What I did notice is that on the remastered version, you can immediately equip Red Bricks without buying them at the police station (you don't even need to pay studs for them). This means that it would make sense to get certain red bricks as soon as you've got the proper outfit for it. Also, they added some character/vehicle tokens to the remastered version. I'll probably soon put up videos on my channel for the location of these tokens.
Found a way to skip the lever in Disruptive Behavior Can probably save 45 seconds if done perfectly (edit) You have to use the first dynamite first, so it's probably only an IL strat
Yeah, my bad, I mean the way that you can cancel Vigilante while getting off a bike during Gang Territories using the middle mouse button for instance, I will provide a video later today
Here it is:
I am able to drive off before the fare has closed the door
For 100%: after the 'fare completed' sound in Taxi Driver has triggered, it is possible to cancel Taxi Driver with the secondary sub-mission key, just like Vigilante. It allows you to drive off without having to wait for the fare to get out and close the door.
This could be faster if the destination is in an area where no peds spawn (Easter Basin, Mall to name some), if you're planning on delivering an export vehicle/doing side stuff, and at the end of Taxi Driver.
Haven't kicked a ball in like 5 years, but I guess I'll join too
It seems that megajumping to your death can crash the game on some occasions. If you dupe Evidence Dash and then die, this is the case, even though dying normally insta-passes the missions. No clue what causes this though
I was testing duping on the missions in my own game, and it seems that it isn't possible at all on the new SA version on Steam (not the HD one, but with some songs taken out). Regular Quarry duping, as done in 100% runs is still possible.