Luis_sm9 months ago

Thats so sad :( Im sorry...

przebieg: Appel (Scratch)
Luis_sm9 months ago

Nice time! Idk but i think Appel community is very inactive lately :( The end might be close.

Luis_sm11 months ago

What i didn't even think that im 2nd place. And i haven't speedrunned the game in like... 2 months.

Luis_sm1 year ago

@MichaelChan Would be a great idea! Thanks for sharing your opinion. So for the moment, im going to wait to more mods to see the post, and then, a decision will be made.

Luis_sm1 year ago

@Swskrei agree. It would be hard to get the over 200 different people who submitted a run in the game to going to the new speedrun page.

Luis_sm1 year ago

@CAKEC0DER i don't know if that would be possible. Because im not a Super-moderator and i kind of have a lack of knowledge of moderation. I only know well how to verify runs.

Luis_sm1 year ago

And, the biggest problem of this, is that, as @Swskrei mentioned, most of the mods have left the community, and the biggest porblem is, THAT WE CAN'T EVEN ADD ANY MODS!

So, as a current moderator, only Super-Moderators can add more mods, and the Super-Moderators are Chiken_11 and sushisrx. Which left the community. So, we need to contact with them to tell their opinion about this / Add more mods.

Sir_Farcelot to się podoba
Luis_sm1 year ago

@Sir_Farcelot yeah i think we could do a community vote. But i will wait until more mods find out this forum and say their opinions.

The only problem, is that, Kanuburgetz, Chiken_11 and sushisrx aren't very online.

Sir_Farcelot to się podoba
Luis_sm1 year ago

And the last. But not least fact that i know. Is that Scratch games actually run at around 31 FPS instead of 30FPS. But the timer is coded to be at 30FPS. So, the reason why out-game timers always display a little less than the ingame timer is probably that.

For example, you can look that, in every run using Livesplit, when you touch the flag in level 1. The timer puts around 18.73 and around that. Instead of 18.9.

I just mention this for giving more knowledge about the topic of the ingame / outgame timer.

CAKEC0DER i Sir_Farcelot podobało się to
Luis_sm1 year ago

Oh, and about, autoclickers. I tested them to see the result and it doesn't result in perfect load times. Some of the clicks aren't registered so it mostly slower by around 2 frames than a perfect loadtime. So probably DapperScratcher hasn't used an autoclicker.

Sir_Farcelot to się podoba
Luis_sm1 year ago

I agree with the new timing method. Doing the sum off all the split times and then adding the 12.96 seconds that are spent in the loading screen. But i don't know if everyone would agree to it.

And with the topic about DapperScratcher's and Michael's runs.

I always thinked that Michael's runs are all kinda benefited by the lack of lag. Because Michael Chan has a very good computer (i suppose) his run have a lot of less lag.

Definitely putting him in advantage to other runners.

For the moment i will not say anything more until everybody says their opinion. To be able to make a more precise opinion on this topic.

Sir_Farcelot to się podoba
przebieg: Appel (Scratch)
Luis_sm1 year ago

Im loving to see this.

But the link doesn't work for me.

Can you change it?

(Edit) Forget it. The video downloaded. This run is SO GOOD.

Only that i think the time should be lower.

This is almost matching Michaels splits but somehow it is 1 second slower.

If you guys find something suspicious in Michael run. Tell me in private message!

DapperScratcher i Sir_Farcelot podobało się to
Luis_sm1 year ago

@Swskrei i didn't use the pausing for ASC, purplebanana did. (i think)

przebieg: Appel (Scratch)
Luis_sm1 year ago

what speedy done?

przebieg: Appel (Scratch)
Luis_sm1 year ago

Congratulations! Would like to beat it but i became too bad at the cornerdie strategy :(

przebieg: Appel (Scratch)
Luis_sm1 year ago

Que proazoooooooo. (de pro)

przebieg: Appel (Scratch)
Luis_sm1 year ago

Thats sad :(

speeeedy i DapperScratcher podobało się to
przebieg: Appel (Scratch)
Luis_sm1 year ago
Ten komentarz został usunięty
przebieg: Appel (Scratch)
Luis_sm1 year ago

No me imagino tu cara cuando viste que fallaste por una décima de segundo :(

przebieg: Appel (Scratch)
Luis_sm1 year ago

Bien! Pero necesitas mejorar en las 2 plataformas que suben. Te has parado un poco en ellas.

O Luis_sm
2 years ago
6 months ago
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