If you have a run with complete ruleset and video, etc feel free to contact us and we can look into adding it.
I think this would just end up in a state where people would be just doing normal speedruns (AR5/7) and then if they get a 5 star they would get WR if not, they would just make a new account and do another speedrun. It just feels like it would be a slight addon from the other categories where the only difference would be how fast can you click through the character pull screens.
Hey Galactiknight,
Wouldn't this then just end up being super random and the WR times will only be possible on the days that you get super fast/easy commissions? It seems like a good idea but it might end up something like having 1 WR attempt every 6 months+ or something crazy like that? Unless I am misunderstanding something but please let me know if I am.
As for the questions;
- It would be too hard to check/regulate if someone has already observed the map prior to recording, etc.
- Bursts depends if it's f2p characters only or not as some bursts could be too effective and locked behind luck/pay wall.
- Differences in level will most likely affect run if there is combat involved in your commissions, etc.
- Most likely will have to be done on a single character or f2p characters only but as above, level and items could play a big part in faster times.
- I think having Liyue Harbor as a requirement is fine since it will mean everyone is on the same page for having all the available commissions, but as with my original thoughts on the category, it will make the run extremely RNG based, unless we limit it to certain commissions and only doing that one or something similar.
Most of the top 20-ish or so times and even a lot of times after this already do this skip, it's also already listed as the path to take in the guide I wrote about a week ago. But thanks for posting to make everyone aware of this skip hopefully more people will start taking this better route around the fence and skipping Lisa.
You can't do that in game, but if you want to do it externally then sure. Although dashing is still faster especially over shorter distances.
Bhopping lets you move at sprint speed with 0 stamina. You can do this by dashing and then spam jumping. For the best movement speed you want to dash with 1s gaps so that the dash doesn't go on cooldown and then when you're almost out of stamina, sprint after the last dash and then spam jump to start bhopping. It might take some practice.