lostontheinternet lost his account and he is a mod of A Koopa's Revenge 2, I need to be super mod (I'm actually a mod). Please i need an answer
Oh_my_gourdness to się podoba
Emu is allowed for ILs and Full-games or only for ILs?
Oh_my_gourdness to się podoba
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iI8Giq7zQDk @Gainai, @Alaris_Villain, @toastrider91, @saksdal, @Crabshack, @FrostyZako
Oh_my_gourdness i ded_lej podobało się to
16 Star: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HibaS_5Ub0I&t=109s 31 Star: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=k20qL3mhkeo @MarvJungs, @Tomatobird8, @Jerome, @Nathan__Guia, @dumpdome64 or @thenintendonerd add these runs
Oh_my_gourdness i lostontheinternet podobało się to
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SEBi4hkrxI0 @Alaris_Villain add this run
Oh_my_gourdness i Th3Re4l podobało się to
@dumpdome64 i beat the 9 star in 7:56 but i don't have the proof. I stream the WR but i don't save the stream
Oh_my_gourdness i lostontheinternet podobało się to
50 star speedrun @Sanicbiscuit
Oh_my_gourdness i lostontheinternet podobało się to
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