przebieg: Kid Kool
JapanKatoDamuko6 months ago

Thank you ! I was able to achieve this record thanks to the groundwork laid by those before me !

JapanKatoDamuko11 months ago

Some time has passed, but since there were no particular comments, I have updated the rules for each category.

  • Categories updated:
    • any% (Arcade)
    • any% (PS1)
    • any% (NES)
    • any% (GB)
    • 50k
  • Rules added:
    • Using "Dev Mode" secret codes for level selection is FORBIDDEN.

If you have any concerns, please comment again. If there are no issues, I plan to also post this in the news section.

By the way, since it seems level selection was not possible in the PCE version, I have not included it, but if it does exist, I will add it.


大分時間が経ちましたが、特に意見がなかったため、 各カテゴリーのルールを更新しました。

  • 更新したカテゴリー
    • any% (Arcade)
    • any% (PS1)
    • any% (NES)
    • any% (GB)
    • 50k
  • 追加したルール
    • 裏技による面セレクトは禁止。

何かあれば、またコメントをください。 特に問題なければ、ニュースにも記載しようと思います

ちなみに、PCE版では、面セレクトができなかったような気がするので、未記載ですが、 もし存在するのであれば追記しておきます

JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

@Helmer, @Akaginite, @FlannelKat

I have already expressed my thoughts on the submission page,

but I would like to summarize them again in the forum.

In conclusion, I believe there is no need to create a new category at this time.

However, I do think that an update of the rules is necessary.

This "Dev Mode" corresponds to what is called "裏技 (URAWAZA, Secret techniques)" in Japanese.

While using hidden commands within a game, as in the case of 裏技, can be considered a cheat,

I don’t think categorizing this issue as either a cheat or a glitch is of utmost importance.

What matters is whether a category that involves the use of this 裏技 would be interesting. And on that,

I have my doubts.

For instance, if a glitch like 'floor skipping' that can be executed during gameplay is discovered,

it would adhere to the basic game rules while competing in the frequency of glitch occurrences.

Therefore, it would be necessary to divide the category into those with and without glitches.

However, the kind of command used in this video entirely skips the basic game rules and turns it into a mere competition of how quickly one can enter commands.

This leads me to believe that the results would be similar regardless of who performs the operation.

I must say, frankly, that I do not find a category that does not require proficiency in the basic game rules to be appealing.

Based on these points, I believe there is no need to add a category.

However, I would like to consider the opinions of other moderators and players,

so if there are voices in favor of adding a category, I am open to considering them.






この「Dev Mode」は、日本語で言うところの「裏技(URAWAZA、Secret techniques)」に相当します。






ということであれば、 これは基本的なゲームルールは踏襲しつつ、グリッチ発生の練度の競い合いになるため、



基本的なゲームルールを全てスキップし、 コマンド入力の速さを競うのみになってしまいます。







JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

Next, I would like to express my own interpretation of the words.

"Cheat" refers to a means of intentionally deviating from or avoiding the normal rules and methods of gameplay. This can involve the use of external tools or the exploitation of hidden commands within the game. In the case of this video, since it utilizes a hidden command, I considered it to fall under the definition of cheat use according to the above definition. (Please note that I am not claiming this video is disrespectful; I just want to avoid any misunderstanding.) In Japan, such commands are more commonly referred to as "secret techniques" rather than cheats.

"Glitch" refers to unintended behaviors caused by bugs or flaws in a game, which arise from programming errors or deficiencies in game design. While this video seems to behave as the creators intended, and therefore does not constitute a glitch, if a new category were to be created, I thought it would conventionally include terms such as "glitch allowed" or "no glitch" in the category name.

The following is my view regarding the creation of a new category. If, for example, a glitch like skipping floors during a game run is discovered, this would still adhere to the basic game rules while competing in the frequency of glitch occurrences. Therefore, I believe it would be necessary to divide the category into glitch-allowed and no-glitch. However, the kind of command used in this video essentially skips all the basic game rules and turns into a competition solely based on the speed of entering commands. Thus, I have doubts about whether this category has competitive value and whether runners would follow suit if a new category were created.



「チート」は、「ゲームの通常のルールやプレイ方法を意図的に逸脱、または回避するために使用される手段」のこと指します。 これは、外部ツールを用いるものや、ゲーム内に隠されたコマンドを利用するものがあります。 今回の動画は隠されたコマンドを利用しているので、上記の定義に則って、私はこの動画をチート利用に該当すると考えました。 (この動画が冒涜的である、と主張しているわけではありませんので、勘違いがないようにお願いします) 日本では、このようなコマンドのことは、チートというよりは「裏技」と呼んでいます。

「グリッチ」は、「ゲームのバグや欠陥を指し、プログラミングの誤りやゲームデザインの欠陥によって生じる予期せぬ挙動」のことを指します。 今回の動画は製作者の狙い通りの挙動をしていると考えられるのでグリッチにはあたりませんが、 もしカテゴリを新設するのであれば、慣習的に「グリッチ使用」「グリッチ不使用」のような言葉が、カテゴリ名に追記されるのではないかと思いました。

以下は、カテゴリ新設に関しての私の見解になります。 例えばゲーム攻略中に行う階層スキップ、といったグリッチが発見された、ということであれば、 これは基本的なゲームルールは踏襲しつつ、グリッチ発生の練度の競い合いになるため、 カテゴリをグリッチあり、グリッチなしに分ける、といった配慮が必要だと考えます。 しかし今回の動画のようなコマンドは、基本的なゲームルールを全てスキップし、 コマンド入力の速さを競うのみになってしまうため、 このカテゴリは競技性があるのか? カテゴリを新設したとして、追従する走者が現れるのか? という点で疑問を感じています。

JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

Since my comment has become quite lengthy, I would like to post the key points first.

Regarding rule changes or the creation of new categories, please create a thread in the forum and make a request. I would like to hear opinions from other moderators and users on matters with significant impact like rule changes. (I also mention this because I am currently busy with work and may not be able to respond quickly thereafter.) https://www.speedrun.com/ja-JP/the_tower_of_druaga/forums


コメントが長文になってしまったため、 最初に重要なコメントを投稿したいと思います。

ルール変更やカテゴリ新設については、 フォーラムにてスレッドを作成して、リクエストしてください。 ルール変更のような影響の大きい内容は、 他のモデレータやユーザーにも意見を伺いたいからです。 (私は現在、仕事が忙しいため、これ以降の素早いレスポンスが難しいから、という理由もあります) https://www.speedrun.com/ja-JP/the_tower_of_druaga/forums

JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

I would like to reject this submission video.

In this video, cheats are used, and the timer starts from the "CONTINUE" selection. Upon reviewing the rules, it's true that this point is not specifically mentioned. However, all other players' record videos start from the "START" selection and do not utilize cheats. Therefore, I believe it is not appropriate to accept this video as a record in the same category.

A possible compromise could be to establish a new 50k category that allows the use of glitches and accept this video under that category. However, in my opinion, the use of what is known as the Dev Mode seems to detract from the competitive nature of speedrunning. Therefore, I feel that creating a new category for this purpose is not meaningful.

That's my response on the matter. If anyone has any opinions, please comment in the forum or similar platforms.



こちらの動画では、裏技の使用や、「CONTINUE」選択からタイマーが開始されています。 ルールを確認すると、確かにこの点には触れられていませんでしたが、 他プレイヤーの記録動画は全て、「START」選択から開始し、裏技は利用されていません。 そのため、それらと同じカテゴリとして記録動画を承認することはできないと考えます。

譲歩するならば、例えば、新たなグリッチ利用可能な 50k カテゴリを設けて、 そのカテゴリの記録動画として採用することもできると思います。 しかし私の意見としては、いわゆる Dev Mode の利用は、 スピードランとしての競技性も損なわれているように見えるので、 カテゴリの新設の意味がないと感じます。

私の回答は以上です。 なにか意見があればフォーラム等でコメントをお願いします。

wątek: Kid Kool
JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

@xi_kisaragi 氏にモデレータを付与しました


wątek: Kid Kool
JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

@kiyog 氏にモデレータを付与しました


wątek: Kid Kool
JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago


I am @KatoDamuko, who has recently been appointed as a Super Moderator by the management team.

Currently, there is a shortage of active moderators on the KidKool channel, so we have decided to recruit new moderators.

We are looking forward to applications from those who can actively review the channel and submission videos. Those who have record videos are especially welcome. Please apply by commenting in this forum.

As for the appropriate number of moderators to hire, I am inexperienced and do not have a set theory. However, should any issues arise (such as receiving a large number of applications),

we will discuss these as they occur in the forum.

Thank you.



この度、運営の方からスーパーモデレータに任命していただいた @KatoDamuko です。

現在、KidKool のチャンネルではアクティブなモデレータが不足しているため 新たなモデレータを募集することにしました。

チャンネルおよび申請動画の確認を積極的に行える方の応募をお待ちしています。 記録動画をお持ちの方は特に歓迎いたします。 応募は、こちらのフォーラムにコメントでお願いします。

採用する適切な人数について、経験が不足していてセオリーがわかっていませんが、 何らかの問題(例えば、多数の応募がある場合など)が発生した際には、 その都度、フォーラムで相談させていただきたいと思います。


wątek: Kid Kool
JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

Dear @authorblues,

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude for your dedicated efforts as a Super Moderator. I have submitted a speedrun video for 'Kid Kool' and would like to discuss a concern regarding it.

It has been over three weeks since my submission, and the verification process is yet to be completed. As a moderator myself, I am technically able to approve my own submission. However, in the interest of maintaining fairness, I prefer that another moderator reviews it. I understand that self-approval is generally not recommended, and I believe in adhering to this principle.

If your busy schedule is preventing you from attending to the verification task, might I suggest considering the recruitment of additional moderators? I believe this could contribute positively to the healthy growth of our community.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter. Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.



przebieg: Kid Kool
JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

https://www.speedrun.com/kid_kool/thread/fg6tk After receiving opinions from the forum thread above and other runners that it's "not a problem," I took the opportunity of becoming a moderator to approve this video.

wątek: Kid Kool
JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

AutoSplitの計測開始箇所は残機表示画面が出た瞬間でしょうか? その通りです。 (もっと正確に言うと、スタート画面と残機表示の間に、 一瞬だけ表示される青い画面でタイマーをスタートさせています)

Is the starting point for AutoSplit's measurement the moment the remaining lives display appears?

That's correct. (To be more precise, I start the timer on the brief blue screen that appears between the start screen and the remaining lives display.)

xi_kisaragi to się podoba
wątek: Kid Kool
JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

I submitted a KidKool video a month ago, but there was no response from the moderator. So, I contacted the administration and they made me a moderator. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Before I approve my record video, there's something I'd like to get everyone's opinion on right away.

The following URL is a video of my record: https://www.speedrun.com/kid_kool/run/ywr82k3m

During my SpeedRuns, I start with an initial value of the timer increased by 0.75 seconds. This is because I found it challenging to start the timer simultaneously with the press of the start button using the AutoSplit tool I'm using.

When checking the recorded video, there was approximately a 0.75-second gap between when I pressed the start button and the character started moving, and when the AutoSplit tool was able to start measuring as the screen transitioned. Therefore, I added the same number of seconds to the timer.

I would like to hear your opinion on whether or not this decision is appropriate.

1か月前に KidKool の動画を投稿させてもらいましたが、 モデレータからの反応がなかったため、運営に連絡したところ、 モデレータにしていただきました。 よろしくお願いします。

早速ですが、私の記録動画を承認する前に、 皆さんに意見を伺いたいことがあります。

以下の URL は私の記録動画になります https://www.speedrun.com/kid_kool/run/ywr82k3m

私は SpeedRun の際、タイマーを 0.75 秒加算した初期値で行っています。 これは、使用している AutoSplit ツールでは、スタートボタン押下と同時にタイマーを開始するのが困難だと考えたからです。

録画した動画を確認すると、 スタートボタンを押してキャラクターが動き始めてから、AutoSplit ツールが計測開始可能な画面に遷移するまでの間が おおよそ 0.75 秒だったため、タイマーも同じ秒数加算しました。


przebieg: Kid Kool
JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

@authorblues Could you please verify this video for me?

JapanKatoDamuko1 year ago

I created the category for the GB version and submitted the application. Thank you.

https://www.speedrun.com/the_tower_of_druaga/full_game?h=any_GB&x=xk9188gd https://www.speedrun.com/the_tower_of_druaga/run/yv8x196m

If there are no particular issues, I would like to close this thread after a while.

Akaginite i FlannelKat podobało się to
JapanKatoDamuko2 years ago

The other day, I completed a speedrun of the GB version of Tower of Druaga and created a digest of the record time of 32:18.

As there is currently no page or category for the GB version of Tower of Druaga on SpeedRun.com, I am considering creating a new category for "any% (GB)" here.

If you have any thoughts or opinions, please let me know.

JapanKatoDamuko2 years ago

Sorry for the late confirmation. The recorded video has been approved.

@FlannelKat Thanks for the comment!

@hollygorock Thanks for your comment. Also, thanks for re-posting the video with the timer.

hollygorock to się podoba
JapanKatoDamuko2 years ago

My personal opinion is that if the timer is not displayed in the record video, I will not approve it. (since it is difficult for the average person to calculate the clear time from the frames and scores) We found it difficult to approve this submitted video because we could not find any timer indication.

However, if you check the past record videos in the 50k category, you will find that some records have been approved even if the timer is not displayed.

Currently, there is no indication in the rules that the timer should be displayed. Also, it is easy to check the records in this category because of the short time it takes to complete the process. And since there seems to be no problem with the submitted video itself, we think it is okay to approve it this time. We will wait for other moderators' opinions to be sure. (1-3 days) @Akaginite @FlannelKat

If a new video with a timer is posted while we are waiting for feedback, we will give priority to that one.

We would like to mention the timer indication in the game rules as well. After we respond, we would like to reject any video submitted without a timer indication. (Existing recorded videos will not be rejected. Currently, it remains as it is.)

私の個人的な意見としては、記録ビデオにタイマーが表示されていない場合は承認しないことにしています。 (フレームとスコアからクリアタイムを計算するのは一般の人には難しいので)。 今回の投稿動画は、タイマー表示が見当たらなかったため、承認することが難しいと判断しました。


現状では、ルール上、タイマーを表示させるべきという記載はありません。 また、このカテゴリの記録は短時間で終わるため、確認しやすいと思います。 また、投稿された動画自体には問題がないようですので、今回は承認しても良いのではないかと考えています。 念のため、他のモデレーターの意見を待ちたいと思います。(1-3日)


ゲームルールにもタイマー表示について記載したいと思います。 対応後、タイマー表示のない動画の投稿は拒否させていただきたいと思います。 (既存の録画動画は却下しません。現状はそのままです)

JapanKatoDamuko2 years ago

I am going to close this thread as a reasonable period of time has passed.

Also, this is a bit off the agenda of this thread. An emulator check was set up on a record I have that uses a compatible machine (RetroFreak).


Akaginite i Pacmogtro podobało się to
JapanKatoDamuko2 years ago


I have posted News. After a while, if there are no problems, I would like to lock this thread. May I? (I am not sure if it is normal to lock a thread in which you are not the Author.)

I also have a question from Mr. ChuMogpo. I think it will stay this way for a while longer.


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