Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

You should be okay if you don't use it. It says you can't use self defense items, not that you can't have them in your inventory.

Zoft to się podoba
Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

I believe this applies to the purchasable Jill, Chris, and Wesker Samurai Edge pistols. It could also be a blanket statement for future DLC that Capcom could release.

ReportWroteByLeon to się podoba
Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

Well right now I'm not even able to get past G2. I think his behavior is different for Claire than it is Leon. When I did Leon last night I had the fight down without shooting him once after like four tries. With Claire it feels like dumb luck that he doesn't hit me. Anyone else notice this? Where I'm at right now, i wont have enough ammo to finish the run if I shoot G2.

Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

Alright, so I finished Leon 1st HG only Hardcore. I'm gonna try and do Claire 1st HG only Hardcore tomorrow. Anyone else working on the Claire run? If so, any tips for making it easier on myself?

YossyHop to się podoba
Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

They should not. They are DLC that give you an advantage, which is banned in all other categories. It's also unfair to those who haven't purchased them.

YossyHop to się podoba
Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

I can try and cover the Leon hardcore attempts. I haven't been able to finish a Claire Hardcore run yet so I don't think I would be able to with HG only.

If I manage to finish a Leon run and no one else has done a Claire I can give it a try.

YossyHop to się podoba
Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

I was just curious about if "No Knife" Or "HG only" were coming to the CE boards? There was talk about it a while ago and it all went silent.

Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

I agree and disagree with bearlol. I ran Leon 1st HG only last night and I ended the run with 1 bullet left after Tyrant. It is defiantly a challenge, but that challenge might turn people off. Idk, either way I would run HG only and knifeless.

bearlol to się podoba
Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

I forgot to mention that I was streaming at the time, so many that was the issue? I played more that night at 120 fps and it ran just fine.

Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

So i'm having a crashing issue when I try to run 120 fps. I took a screenshot and hope that someone knows whats going on. I have googled it and haven't found anything yet.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that it crashes at random. I crashed getting the unicorn medallion and picking up the grenade in the bus on Claire 1st.

Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

I think that a handgun only category would be a great addition to the CE board. I would run the heck out of that.

Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

I would love to run a handgun only/knifeless category.

Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

Alright, thanks for the quick response.

Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

I know that I can't run the 120 fps so I was wondering if it is acceptable to just set the in game fps to 60 instead of downloading a program to cap my fps?

Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

Awesome strat, I'm going to have to start using that in my runs.

OneCoolMan to się podoba
Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

That's a shame, like I said a lot of time could be saved if there was a way around it, glitchless or no.

Washington, USAJadusable25 years ago

So much time is taken up with the in-game cut-scenes that you can't skip. Anyone have any idea of how we could get around any of them? I could die happy never having to hear about how "He was the son of a farmer." again.

wątek: Dino Stalker
Washington, USAJadusable26 years ago

I just rediscovered a childhood classic and I am seriously wanting to get into running this. I was wondering what Emu is preferred, if any.

Also, when playing with PCSX 1.4 I get flashing that isn't suppose to be there sometimes, is there a fix for this?

O Jadusable2
6 years ago
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