we should have Versus AI speedruns, Win as fast as possible, i think its a really good catagory idea, just start and win all 3 rounds in a row as fast as possible!
This would be a "Despawning Water" Glitch instead of a infinite Oxygen Glitch. there has been another, used in salvners "Creative" speedrun that was actually custom game, but set to creative settings. this one is a bit different, defiantly slower, but nice find!
Good run, i was thinking about going for this run, maybe i will in the future. Are you going to keep running this game? and if you are will you be running Any% Glitchless?
Dont doubt yourself, it took me a long time to get a 38 minute run. if you play you will get better! coming from experience.
You kinda cooked with that one, add that?
This new strat is pretty interesting, no seaglide, but it worked!
I understand it looks edited, so i need to know if this is allowed, it is not edited, and i have the official xbox clip.
Yes please, i would love that, hope this is active, or someone responds this would be great.