Do the half run, level 10, level 5 categories still count if you don't reach the checkpoint and go past the number? For example for the level 5 category, what happens if you go to level 6 instead and miss level 5? Does the run count?
If you want to have faster rotation then use the rotate key "R" and left click at the same time. Auto click doesn't even really help that much anyways.
Does this mean that you cannot skip stages (skipping stages meaning you bypass checkpoints into other stages without using the level selection menu) in NHT category? Or does it just mean that you cannot use level selection menu only? If it does mean you cannot use level selection, you should come up with a new name for the category rather than no hinge teleports. Like NLSM for no level selection menu, which is what I hope this post means rather than you having to get every checkpoint in the game.
It should be a category where you can't use the arrow buttons at the top.
How to perform: Spam (or time) rotate while holding w and space at the same time. Difficulty: MEDIUM (Skill based)
Discovered by: HipLoopFee
one of the best glitches i've ever discovered! How to perform: go in the position i was in and double click. There's a chance it will launch you. Difficulty: HARD (RNG based)
Discovered by: HipLoopFee
You can share your new discovered glitch here! Perhaps it can be used for speedruns.