United StatesFMCCC9 months ago

I know this thread has sat unanswered for awhile but here is my opinion on it.

One of the 'Game Rules' for the board reads as following, "All runs must be completed in the training area against bots - there are no PvP related runs on this leaderboard." As one of the original mods for this board, we agreed with the Community Moderator Meta that like most games with PvP, the Valorant board would not include these modes. Almost all games on SRC that feature PvP were added before SRC began limiting PvP-focused games.

A thread that might give you more insight as to why would be the original Among Us thread which argued for the game to be added to SRC before solo and task-only related modes were in the game. I would also advise you to read my post in a previous Valorant thread that requested we add the Deathmatch gamemode to the board.

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United StatesFMCCC1 year ago

That's unfortunate for you I guess. You should try downloading something like Nvidia Shadowplay so you can use the Instant Replay feature which can eliminate your "forgetting to record" problem for future runs.

United StatesFMCCC1 year ago

cant hold what you never had B)

FireRuin to się podoba
United StatesFMCCC1 year ago

That's generally true! But as always: acceptance is subjective to the mod that verifies the run so laggy runs may not always be verified.

United StatesFMCCC1 year ago

Remember to leave a little bit of time at the end of the run during the freezing process so that the names of the survivors are clearly present so we can see if they leave before being frozen.

United StatesFMCCC1 year ago

Good run! Just a reminder that runs that are laggy may not always be accepted if they're too laggy.

FireRuin to się podoba
United StatesFMCCC1 year ago

could have been a lil bit better if you perfected that final corner but a decent run nonetheless

United StatesFMCCC2 years ago

In order for us to add a new variable, we would quite literally have to manually input it in each run (and since there are over 1,000 runs, that would take the better part of a day).

However, I will bring it up with my fellow moderations to come up with a solution to this. :)

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United StatesFMCCC2 years ago

If we could create a save file, verifying that it's the correct file shouldn't be overly difficult. Some settings would just be required to be shown and the importing process from the provided file would also be required.

United StatesFMCCC2 years ago

Much like with the proposed "100% category" doing most tasks in this game, like you may know, take extremely long amounts of time to complete. If someone can teach me how to create the save files then I am more than willing to open new categories with provided save files.

United StatesFMCCC2 years ago

I'm down with adding more categories if people want them, it just hasn't been added so far due to lack of runners actually doing runs in the first place.

United StatesFMCCC2 years ago

I know this is an extremely old thread but I'm only seeing it now.

I agree with Chadiator, this would take an extremely long amount of time. We could break it up as in like once you reach a new continent or planet there could be categories to reach points while on that planet and how you got there doesn't matter. But a full-game, 100% category would simply be way too long.

United StatesFMCCC3 years ago

According to the Game Request Additional Rules page, "PvP games are allowed on the basis that there is some sort of speedrunnable single player mode.*"

This, we have done. All games with a PvP aspect must also have a PvE or Single Player gamemode in which to speedrun.

Furthermore, the page states that, "Solely PvP speedruns will be put under higher scrutiny and will be expected to have measures to prevent unfair advantages and cheating.*"

Trying to prevent unfair advantages or cheating, especially in a PvP gamemode like Deathmatch would be nearly impossible. Most PvP games on SR.C have extremely strict rules about what is and isn't allowed. Dead by Daylight for example, rejects any run where a survivor leaves the game or someone (regardless of team) is AFK or throwing.

Even some of the biggest PvP games of all time such as Call of Duty (take your pick of which one), League of Legends and Counter Strike don't offer PvP categories because there are simply too many variables and rules that would go into play in order to make it fair and equal for each runner.

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United StatesFMCCC3 years ago

Agreeing with Connor, the moderation team has come to the decision that we will not be adding a "Tutorial" category as it cannot be replayed unlike the other categories. You would have to make a new account each time you want to run it which is not something we want to promote.

If Riot adds the ability to replay the Tutorial in the future, we will discuss the possibility of adding it as a category but for now, THREAD LOCKED.

squigglydude i bonzkor podobało się to
United StatesFMCCC3 years ago

Seeing as this is still not the right thread to be asking questions (as it is unrelated to the original thread topic), I will answer this question and any further posts unrelated to the thread topic will be deleted.

There is no current plan to rework the VIP Servers as we didn't want to change the entire board at once and never came to a unanimous consensus about how to handle the category. However, the new rules still apply to VIP Servers and any runs currently submitted there that do not conform will likely be moved within the upcoming days.

United StatesFMCCC3 years ago

SRC DMs have not been working for months. It is a known issue.

United StatesFMCCC3 years ago

I was going to do some runs today but I wanted to finish story first so I have all the levels unlocked and don't have to pay coins for them.

United StatesFMCCC3 years ago

My car suggestion was not to have a different category for each different car because that would be quite literally insane with the number of available cars. What I meant was to make the car a variable which allows people looking at the leaderboard to see what car someone used in a run.

For example, in the Valorant Speedrunning board we have multiple different categories and sub-categories which all effect where the run gets placed but we also have the variables which don't effect the run such as "Agent Used" and "Weapon Used." This is what I meant when I said having a variable for different car types.

Now, a different category for modified vs unmodified cars: I still think this is a good idea as once a car is modified to the max they perform similarly. However, unmodified cars do not perform that similar as their stats have a larger variation than their modified counterparts.

Jaaay to się podoba
United StatesFMCCC3 years ago
  1. It has been some time since you asked, but I do not see you at 3rd place or even within the top 10. (I don't know your exact time so I can't check the entire board) My suggestion would to be for the different consoles to make them as separate categories only because there might be things (i.e. bugs, shortcuts, etc) that might not be available on platforms.

  2. I think that there should be a SRC Variable for best lap and then total time. Total time obviously being the time it took to complete the entire race which can be easily calculated by adding the IGT of each lap (which might be slightly inaccurate, can be easily checked by going frame-by-frame in YT or an editing software to see the final time for each lap).

  3. For this as well I think IGT would be the best bet as finding total times in each race would be more accurate than RTA and, as you said, loading times across consoles may vary. (Plus quality of computer [if on PC] might also effect these loading times.)

Might I also suggest a Variable for Car (i.e. Roller Toaster, Tricera-Truck) because obviously each car has different stats and are not all built the same. Maybe also a different category for modified/unmodified cars as there is also a huge difference between the two?

Also, if you're looking for another mod hmu.

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